No... Some... Most Children Left Behind Part 2

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We reported earlier about Bush's plans to veto a bill passed with some pretty impressive bipartisan support to expand the federal program which makes sure poor kids have health insurance. Never one to back down from his decisions, Bush quietly vetoed the bill today.

Our original report is here for the background of the situation. For the two vetoes Bush made on stem cell-related legislation he had big press events with kids (former embryos) behind him to show just how important children are to him personally and the country at large. When it comes to denying up to four million children health insurance by adding $35 billion to the popular SCHIP program over five years, having kids in the background would probably be in poor taste. The Senate has the votes to override the veto but House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer needs to drum up 15 more votes to do the same. The president worried that the program would be too costly, although in contrast to the $192 billion requested for combat operations in the Middle East just this year the ($35 billion/5 years =) $7 billion yearly addition is kind of a drop in the bucket. When it comes to reducing the skyrocketing budget, President Bush asks us to please think of the children.


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