Bill Clinton Reacts To GOP Moveon Condemnation: Bait And Switch

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In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, President Bill Clinton said there was something "Completely disingenuous about the feigned outrage"? from conservatives over the MoveOn ad.

Clinton noted that many of the same conservatives who expressed outrage had likened Sen. Max Cleland (D-GA) to Osama bin Laden and had smeared Sen. John Kerry's (D-MA) war record.

He added, "It was just bait and switch. It was just, oh thank goodness, I can take this little word here and ignore what we've done in Iraq and what we're gonna do and the outrageous way we gained political power by smearing John Kerry."'s response:

In the past week, Congress has voted down three separate proposals that would have supported our troops and helped end the war.1 But yesterday, the House did manage to join the Senate in condemning MoveOn.2

When the only thing our elected representatives can agree on is to silence war critics, it's time to get louder.

Congress may not be doing its job. But that means it's all the more important for the 3.3 million of us to do ours. We need to make it crystal clear that we will not stand down or relent until the war ends.

So we're launching Americans for Exit, a powerful new project that will remind our representatives that those of us against the war are America­we're teachers, factory workers, lawyers, moms, dads, students, secretaries, and dog owners. We're 70% of the country, we vote, and we're fed up with the war.

Here's how it works: You send us a picture of you which shows how you feel about the war. Then, you'll record a voice message to Congress. We'll put together a big unveiling, use your photos and words in an ad campaign and deliver them to your members of Congress. We'll make it impossible for them to ignore you. Click here to get started:

Participating is really easy­all you need to do is take a digital photo of yourself with a message to Congress about ending the war. You can use one of the signs we provide at the link above, or you can make your own. Feel free to get creative: You can write your message on paper or on your t-shirt­whatever you want. Just make sure it's legible and appropriate for the many audiences that will see these photos.

Then you can submit your photo to us at the link above and we'll combine all the photos and get them ready to deliver.

There's also a neat twist to this project: After you submit your photo you can call an 800 number and record a message to Congress. We'll go through the recordings and broadcast them. We'll make sure members of Congress and the media hear what you have to say.

Click below to show Congress who you are and how you feel:

It's particularly important to show the breadth and depth of opposition to the war right now, when Republicans are going all-out to marginalize and silence us. Recently, several MoveOn members in Rochester, NY wrote an op-ed for their local paper that drives home why this is so critical. Here's an excerpt:

Recently much media attention has focused on, and some misinformation has been conveyed as fact. To set the record straight, members in the Rochester area would like to introduce ourselves to the community at large. Consistently and falsely portrayed by some media sources as "far left," we represent a broad cross-section of average Americans.

Nationally, we are over 3.3 million strong. Operationally, we have harnessed the Internet as a forum to debate, select, vote on and prioritize member-driven issues and strategies...

Locally, we are teachers, engineers, law enforcement officers, carpenters, doctors, graphic designers and retirees. We are your friends, neighbors and relatives. We live in the suburbs, city and country. And we care deeply about the same issues most Americans do, and are proud to use the organizational power of to carry out our responsibilities as citizens.

We care that this administration ignored pleas from the world community and invaded Iraq without moral or legal basis. The result has been devastation and quagmire in Iraq, an increase in global terrorist violence and a more dangerous world. We are dedicated to bringing our troops safely home and rebuilding the international alliances necessary to address the real terrorist threat. And as the media have amply reported, this is the view of the great majority of Americans.3

Well said. Let's show Congress who we are­and that we're pushing harder than ever to end the war. Please submit a photo today:

Thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Joan, Justin, Karin, and the Political Action Team
Thursday, September 27th, 2007

P.S. Yesterday, Congressman William Jefferson was one of the Democrats who voted 'no' on the resolution to condemn Please call and thank him for standing up to this ridiculous campaign to smear MoveOn and distract from the real issues.

Congressman William Jefferson
Phone: 202-225-6636


1. Levin-Reed amendment to provide for a reduction and transition of United States forces in Iraq.

Webb-Hagel Amendment to specify minimum periods between deployment of units and members of the Armed Forces deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Feingold-Reid Amendment to safely redeploy troops

2. "House Condemns's Petraeus Ad," Associated Press, September 26, 2007.

3. " carries the ball for all citizens, not just left-wingers," Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, September 25, 2007.


Silent Support
Posted by gmaduck on 2007-10-03 23:20:02
I'm one of the silent majority. I'm silent. I'm glad you're not!
Posted by Winifred on 2008-01-19 08:13:14

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