A Pair Of Pants To Make You Feel Dirty

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In yet another move to ensure more sleepless nights for fathers and the glee of pubescent boys and dirty old men the world over a Japanese clothing designer has come up with a pair of jeans for women that covers all the parts that matter... barely.

The bikini jean is a pair of pants reminiscent of the decade-old trend of boys wearing jeans below their ass so their boxer shorts can take in the surroundings, but for women. Resembling a half a bikini bottom attached to a pair of jeans being taken off, the pants are on the street in Japan but don't kid yourself-- betcha they'll be hitting the shelves in American stores favored by 14-year-old girls before the year's out.


Posted by Glis on 2007-09-25 00:25:57
I love Japan.
Yes Yes Yes, this ROCKS!!!!!
Posted by ned on 2007-10-01 11:47:10
thing is they say japan is al least 2-3 years ahead of everyone, so we can expect threads like those to become the latest thing here in 2-3 years or so, man!!! I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAA
I wanna bone an asian girl w/ big boobies!
Posted by Jon on 2007-10-01 17:30:35
I'm going to the Sushi bar.
Posted by Ocho-Solo on 2007-10-01 21:57:25
Sooo. Do they still have to wear underwear or do they go...commando?? ?? ??
Posted by Dark-Star on 2007-10-02 15:54:55
Betcha some sicko will be marketing these for *pre-teens* in the USA before long. They've already got stuff with 'eye candy' and 'wink, wink' for girls under 13.

Perverts. All of them.
Posted by Fireball on 2007-10-02 17:53:48
I want to see these pants on Tasha. She has THE nicest hiney you ever did see. But I would rather see them on Hot Women than 14 Year Old girls.
Posted by american on 2007-10-03 13:37:08
how in the world do they go to the potty in those times of need!!>?
Posted by fred on 2007-10-27 21:24:37
american - uh, they pull them down.

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