BSAlert Radio Show #2 - Now Online, Politician Sextacular!

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[BSAlert *exclusive*]
Our second podcast is now up for download. This podcast topic is political sex scandals, Iraq War Vets against the war and more.

  • Episode 2 (50 minutes)

    Iraq Vets Against the War and our feature on POLITICAL SEX SCANDALS.

    DOWNLOAD/Play: 32k (11MB) | 64k (23MB) | 128k (46MB)

    If you want to save these and load them on your iPod, right click on the links above and select "save target
    as" (in IE) or "save link as" (in Firefox) and save the mp3 file where you like, then open iTunes and go do File, Add files
    to library.

    Or you can stream the show here:

    Past shows can be found at the BSalert podcast, radio show page

    Feel free to comment on this show below:


    Feedback appreciated
    Posted by Pile on 2007-09-11 11:19:16
    We're still getting our podcast-feet wet but welcome any comments and criticisms on the podcast so far. Which parts did you like best? What needs improvement?
    Posted by ueberbill on 2007-09-11 12:39:04
    After listening to myself, I already know I have to say "absolutely" less- I had no idea it was my go-to word. They're a lot of fun to make and we definitely want to hone them so please hit us up with any feedback.

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