The Truth Behind Rudy Giuliani's Disaster Command Center

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As Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani travels around the country hyping 9/11 to bolster his election campaign, people continue to point out claims he makes and how they differ from reality. Check out the video: The Real Giuliani Command Center.

"It's just not possible."

That was the sentence we heard over and over from families who had firefighter sons, brothers, husbands and fathers killed on 9/11, from experts on emergency response, and from investigative journalists. It was just not possible that Rudy could so distort what happened on 9/11 and his role on that terrible day.

These experts, these grieving and furious family members, were united only by the fact that this story had to be told. Republicans, Independents, and Democrats could agree on just one thing: the cold hard facts about Rudy's terrible handling of 9/11 and the aftermath.


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