Ted Nugent Threatens Obama & Clinton With Machine Guns

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[Mean People]
Ted Nugent, current poster child for tobacco-spittin', underage girl-seducing, vegetarian-hatin',gun-totin' neocon Republican rednecks has created yet another controversy as he waves around "machine guns" during his concert threatening the current crop of presidential candidates. See if you think this tirade he goes off on might be just a tad extreme and ask yourself who's a terrorist?


Teddy's Guitar
Posted by gc_wall on 2007-08-25 04:27:04
Rock and roll cannot wake everyone, it seems.
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-09-01 23:37:28
Ya gotta love the nuge. He forgot to attend his own generation's war and now has to make up for it. He once told High Times that he shit his pants and wore them for two weeks to show mental imbalance to the draft board. He now denies it.
Posted by Pile on 2007-09-01 23:43:07
There's an issue of High Times that would be worth finding.

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