Flouridated Water Lowers Your I.Q. And Has Other Health Effects

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An international coalition of scientists and doctors have issued a statement raising awareness of the concern over use of fluoridated water and its toxic effects. Experts are calling for the immediate elimination of fluoridated water citing numerous health issues.

AUGUST 9, 2007

We, the undersigned professionals, come from a variety of disciplines but all have an abiding interest in ensuring that government public health and environmental policies be determined honestly, with full attention paid to the latest scientific research and to ethical principles.

EIGHT recent events make action to end water fluoridation urgent.

1. The publication in 2006 of a 500-page review of fluoride’s toxicology by a distinguished panel appointed by the National Research Council of the National Academies (NRC, 2006). The NRC report concluded that the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) safe drinking water standard for fluoride (i.e. maximum contaminant level goal or MCLG) of 4 parts per million (ppm) is unsafe and should be lowered. Despite over 60 years of fluoridation, the report listed many basic research questions that have not been addressed. Still, the panel reviewed a large body of literature in which fluoride has a statistically significant association with a wide range of adverse effects. These include an increased risk of bone fractures, decreased thyroid function, lowered IQ, arthritic-like conditions, dental fluorosis and, possibly, osteosarcoma.

The average fluoride daily intakes (*) associated with many of these adverse effects are reached by some people consuming water at the concentration levels now used for fluoridation -- especially small children, above average water drinkers, diabetics, people with poor kidney function and other vulnerable sub-groups. For example, the average fluoride daily intake associated with impaired thyroid function in people with iodine deficiency (about 12% of the US population) is reached by small children with average consumption of fluoridated water at 1 ppm and by people of any age or weight with moderate to high fluoridated water consumption. Of special note among the animal studies is one in which rats fed water containing 1 ppm fluoride had an increased uptake of aluminum into the brain, with formation of beta-amyloid plaques, which is a classic marker of Alzheimer's disease pathology in humans. Considering the substantial variation in individual water intake, exposure to fluoride from many other sources, its accumulation in the bone and other calcifying tissues and the wide range of human sensitivity to any toxic substance, fluoridation provides NO margin of safety for many adverse effects, especially lowered thyroid function.
* Note: "Daily intake" takes into account the exposed individual’s bodyweight and is measured in mg. of fluoride per kilogram bodyweight.

2. The evidence provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2005 that 32% of American children have dental fluorosis – an abnormal discoloration and mottling of the enamel. This irreversible and sometimes disfiguring condition is caused by fluoride. Children are now being overdosed with fluoride, even in non-fluoridated areas, from water, swallowed toothpaste, foods and beverages processed with fluoridated water, and other sources. Fluoridated water is the easiest source to eliminate.

3. The American Dental Association’s policy change, in November 2006, recommending that only the following types of water be used for preparing infant formula during the first 12 months of life: "purified, distilled, deionized, demineralized, or produced through reverse osmosis." This new policy, which was implemented to prevent the ingestion of too much fluoride by babies and to lower the risk of dental fluorosis, clearly excludes the use of fluoridated tap water. The burden of following this recommendation, especially for low income families, is reason alone for fluoridation to be halted immediately. Formula made with fluoridated water contains 250 times more fluoride than the average 0.004 ppm concentration found in human breast milk in non-fluoridated areas (Table 2-6, NRC, 2006).

4. The CDC’s concession, in 1999 and 2001, that the predominant benefit of fluoride in reducing tooth decay is TOPICAL and not SYSTEMIC. To the extent fluoride works to reduce tooth decay, it works from the outside of the tooth, not from inside the body. It makes no sense to drink it and expose the rest of the body to the long term risks of fluoride ingestion when fluoridated toothpaste is readily available.

Fluoride’s topical mechanism probably explains the fact that, since the 1980s, there have been many research reports indicating little difference in tooth decay between fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities (Leverett, 1982; Colquhoun, 1984; 1985 and 1987; Diesendorf, 1986; Gray, 1987; Brunelle and Carlos, 1990; Spencer,1996; deLiefde, 1998; Locker, 1999; Armfield and Spencer, 2004; and Pizzo 2007 - see citations). Poverty is the clearest factor associated with tooth decay, not lack of ingested fluoride. According to the World Health Organization, dental health in 12-year olds in non-fluoridated industrialized countries is as good, if not better, than those in fluoridated countries (Neurath, 2005).

5. In 2000, the publication of the UK government sponsored “York Review,” the first systematic scientific review of fluoridation, found that NONE of the studies purporting to demonstrate the effectiveness of fluoridation to reduce tooth decay were of grade A status, i.e. “high quality, bias unlikely” (McDonagh et al., 2000).

6. The publication in May 2006 of a peer-reviewed, case-controlled study from Harvard University which found a 5-7 fold increase in osteosarcoma (a frequently fatal bone cancer) in young men associated with exposure to fluoridated water during their 6th, 7th and 8th years (Bassin et al., 2006). This study was surrounded by scandal as Elise Bassin’s PhD thesis adviser, Professor Chester Douglass, was accused by the watchdog Environmental Working Group of attempting to suppress these findings for several years (see video). While this study does not prove a relationship between fluoridation and osteosarcoma beyond any doubt, the weight of evidence and the importance of the risk call for serious consideration.

7. The admission by federal agencies, in response to questions from a Congressional subcommittee in 1999-2000, that the industrial grade waste products used to fluoridate over 90% of America's drinking water supplies (fluorosilicate compounds) have never been subjected to toxicological testing or FDA safety-tested approved for human ingestion (Fox, 1999; Hazan, 2000; Plaisier, 2000; Thurnau, 2000).

8. The publication in 2004 of “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson. This meticulously researched book showed that industrial interests, concerned about liabilities from fluoride pollution and health effects on workers, played a significant role in the early promotion of fluoridation. Bryson also details the harassment of scientists who expressed concerns about the safety and/or efficacy of fluoridation (see Bryson interview).

We call upon Members of Congress (and legislators in other fluoridating countries) to sponsor a new Congressional (or Parliamentary) Hearing on Fluoridation so that those in government agencies who continue to support the procedure, particularly the Oral Health Division of the CDC, be compelled to provide the scientific basis for their ongoing promotion of fluoridation. They must be cross-examined under oath if the public is ever to fully learn the truth about this outdated and harmful practice.

We call upon all medical and dental professionals, members of water departments, local officials, public health organizations, environmental groups and the media to examine for themselves the new documentation that fluoridated water is ineffective and poses serious health risks. It is no longer acceptable to simply rely on endorsements from agencies that continue to ignore the large body of scientific evidence on this matter -- especially the extensive citations in the NRC (2006) report discussed above.

The untold millions of dollars that are now spent on equipment, chemicals, monitoring, and promotion of fluoridation could be much better invested in nutrition education and targeted dental care for children from low income families. The vast majority of enlightened nations have done this (see statements).

It is time for the US, and the few remaining fluoridating countries, to recognize that fluoridation is outdated, has serious risks that far outweigh any minor benefits, violates sound medical ethics and denies freedom of choice. Fluoridation must be ended now.


Alan S. Abrams, DDS, Member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxciology, Norwalk, CT
Miguel A. Aguilera, MD, Albuquerque NM
Raymond M. Airola, DDS, Staten Island, NY
Phillip M. Allen, MD, PhD, pathologist (retired), Wichita, KS
James Allison, Office Manager & Licensed Water Operator, Carroll-Boone Water District, Eureka Springs, AR
Jack Alpan, DDS, ND, author Preventing Dentistry, 1986, retired from dentistry in 1997, Los Angeles, CA
Peter Alteri, Water Superintendent, Town of Cortlandville, NY
American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Mary Lou Andersen, MS (biology), LPN, CHT, Nurse, Nutritionist, Bellingham, WA
Jeffry L. Anderson, MD, San Rafael CA
Richard V. Anthony, MS Public Administration, Principal, Richard Anthony Associates, Member of the Board of Directors California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA), Grass Roots Recycling Network (GRRN) and the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA), San Diego, CA
Carol Arana, RDH, Retired executive director, American Academy of Biological Dentistry, Carmel Valley, CA
Stephen S. Baer, DDS, Past President, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Sedona, AZ
Glen M. Bailes, Safety Manager/Licensed Water Operator, Carroll-Boone Water District, Eureka Springs, AR
Douglas A. Balog, MS, JD, Author of Law Review article on the illegality of artificial fluoridation, Palm Bay, FL
David S. Banks, DDS, dental practitioner for 35 years, San Marcos, CA
Billie Barewald, RN, Chair, Mountain View Citizens for Safe Drinking Water Mountain View, CA
A.L. Barrier, MD, FAAO-HNS, member, Board of Directors, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Marcia Basciano, DDS, Treasurer and Past President, International Academy of Oral medicine and Toxicology, Downers Grove, IL
Gerhard Bedding, MA, MALS, Director NH Pure Water Coalition/NH Citizens for Health Freedom, Executive Committee Member Aurum Foundation (supporting natural health) and NH Chapter Sierra Club, Keene, NH
Paul Beeber, JD, President and General Counsel, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc., NY
Ray G. Behm, DDS, Natural Dentistry, Clearwater, FL
Michael Bell, DDS, Las Vegas, NV
Carol S. Berman, DDS, Norcross, GA
David L. Biles, DDS, MA (Exercise Physiology), former Newsletter Editor and CalDPac Chair, Monterey Bay Dental Society, former Delegate, House of Delegates, California Dental Association, 1996-2003, current Radio Talk Show Host, Perspectives, www.KSCO.com, Santa Cruz, CA
Russell L. Blaylock, MD, retired neurosurgeon and author, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, Ridgeland, MS
Daniel Blodgett, MD, holistic medicine practice, Oakhurst, CA
Christine Bloss, DDS, Gentle Dental Care, Montrose, CO
Russ Borneman, DDS, Anacortes, WA
Larry Bowden, DMD, Aesthetic Dentistry of Lake Oswego, OR
Ann Brameier, Lac, licensed acupuncturist, NY
Norman Bressack, DDS, PC, North Bellmore, NY
Steve Breyman, PhD, Executive Director, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Albany, NY and Director, Ecological Economics, Values & Policy Program, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Dennis Briggs, PhD, Neurofeedback specialist, Billings, MT
Curtis Brookover, DDS, Los Alamos, and Santa Fe, NM
Clarence Brown, MD, Colonel, USAR (Retired), Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Natick, MA
Ellen Hodgson Brown, JD, health writer, attorney (helped write modification of California Medical Practice Act), Los Angeles, CA
Shirley M. Brown, RN (Retired), Natick, MA
Rob Bruley, Jr, MD, DC, specializing in Functional Medicine, Bruley Center, Minneapolis, MN
Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, Seven Stories Press, 2004, paperback, 2006, NY, NY
Albert W. Burgstahler, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Co-author with George L. Waldbott, MD, and H. Lewis McKinney, PhD, of Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma (Coronado Press, 1978) and editor since 1998 of the international quarterly journal Fluoride, published by the International Society for Fluoride Research, Lawrence, KS
Gene Burke, ND, BA (chemistry), founder, Santa Monicans for Safe Drinking Water Coalition, Santa Monica, CA
Stuart Burr, Grade 3 water plant operator, Mount Desert, ME
Blair B. Burroughs, JD, Lawler, Burroughs & Baker P.C., Seattle, WA
John Bursnall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Geology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Roger Burt, MS, CADC, Rehabilitation Counselor, State of Oregon Department of Human Services, Portland, OR
Lynne Campbell, MA, founder and executive director of Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, 2001-2006, OR
Rebecca Carley, MD, Educator in Natural Detoxification, Hickory, NC
Cheri Carlson, DC, clinic manager, St. Cloud, MN
Ronald Carlson, DDS, Honolulu, HI
Richard Carlton, MD, Private psychiatric practice (1972-1997), Port Washington, NY
Neil J. Carman, PhD, Clean air program director, Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter, Austin, TX
Robert J. Carton, PhD, former Chief of Environmental Compliance, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, MD and former president of EPA professionals’ union.
Leo Cashman, BS, MA, Executive Director of DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome), Inc., MN
Stephanie F. Cave, MD, Practiced medicine in Baton Rouge for 21 years, Baton Rouge, LA
Richard J. Chanin, DMD, Cincinnati, OH
Adrian Chang, nuclear engineer (USN, retired), Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, Oahu, HI
Mistie Charles, ND, Naturopathic Doctor, Branford, CT
Fen-Hui Chen, DDS, Comprehensive Integrative Dentistry, La Jolla, CA
Arthur Chiu, PhD, MD, Chair, Health and Safety Committee, NTEU Local Chapter 280, Pathologist/Toxicologist/National Center Environmental Assessment, Office Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency (identification purposes only), Washington, DC
Chester V. Clark, Jr., DDS, MPH, Practicing dentist (mercury and fluoride free), Mayor of Amity, AR
Lawrence A. Clayman, BS, DC, Roxbury Spine and Wellness Clinic, Seattle, WA
Joseph V. Clemmons, DDS, Bartlett, TN
Theo Colborn, PhD, President, TEDX (The Endocrine Disruption Exchange), Paonia, Colorado, co-author “Our Stolen Future”, Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Griffin Cole, DDS, Austin, TX
Stacy V. Cole, DDS, FAGD, FAACP, DAAPM, LMT, Forth Worth, TX
John M. Collins, PhD, Assistant Professor of Global Studies, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Lynda Comerate, RN, Trinidad, CA
Ellen Connett, Editor of Waste Not (1986-2000), currently Pesticides Project director for the Fluoride Action Network, Canton, NY
Michael Connett, Research Director, Fluoride Action Network, Boston MA
Paul Connett, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, St. Lawrence University and Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, Canton, NY
Douglas Cook, DDS, Suring, WI
Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group, Washington, DC
Susan E.K. Cook, BS, PhD, Environmental Consultant specializing in water quality and toxicology, Aubrey, TX
Steve Corcoran, Former Supervisor of Water Department, Village of Rouses Point, NY
Pat Costner, Science Advisor, GAIA, Science Advisor, IPEN, retired Senior Scientist, Greenpeace International
James F. Coy, MD, Immediate Past President of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Private Practice of Medicine, Punta Gorda, FL
Darrel Crain, DC, family practice chiropractor, natural health writer, immediate past president of the California Chiropractic Association, San Diego County District, San Diego, CA
Joyce S. Cream, Psy. D, Clinic Director, Englewood, FL
Corrie J. Crowe, DDS, Dental Director at Citrus County Health Dept, Inverness, FL
Nancy Crumpacker, MD, retired oncologist, and advisor to Rachel's Friends Breast Cancer Coalition, Portland, OR
Tina Cuccia, RN, Manorville, NY
Ronnie Cummins, National Director, Organic Consumers Association, MN
John Dacey, PhD, Zoology, Associate Scientist, Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution, Wood's Hole, MA
Tracy A. Darling, MD, San Diego, CA
Paula G. Davey, MD, Fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Ann Arbor, MI
Michael W. Davis, DDS, Santa Fe, NM
Amy Day, ND, Naturopathic Doctor, San Francisco, CA
Stephen A. Dean, DC, Springfield, MA
Douglas Decker, DDS, general practice dentist, ADA member, former advocate of water fluoridation, San Diego, CA
Armand V. DeFelice, DDS, Spokane, WA
Marshall S. Dicker, DMD, FAGD, New York, NY
David T. Doi, DDS, Past President of Hawaii County Dental Society, HI
Michael F. Dolan, PhD, Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences, UMASS, Amherst, MA
William Campbell Douglass, III, MD, MS, New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Mark Dubrow, MS Environmental Engineer, 15 years experience developing groundwater and surface water protection/remediation programs in California, currently Interim General Manager of Manila (CA) Community Services District, Arcata, CA
Sandra N. Duffy, BS, JD, Lawyer in Portland, Board President of Consumers for Dental Choice (Washington, DC), former board member of Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, Portland, OR
Daniel A. Durst, Esq., MHSA, Tinko Law Group, Meadville, PA
Samuelle Easton, ND, New York, NY
S. Ward Eccles, DDS, Director, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Livermore, CA
David Egilman, MD, MPH, Clinical Associate Professor, Brown University, Attleboro, MA
Karl B. Ehlert, DC, BA, Chiropractor, Redwood City, CA
Lynn Howard Ehrle, MEd, Chair, International Science Oversight Board (a project of the Organic Consumers Association), Plymouth, MI
Roger Eichman, DDS, retired dentist, Nordland, WA
Carol S. Englender, MD, Framingham, MA
Samuel S. Epstein, MD, Professor Emeritus, Environmental & Occupational Medicine University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Chairman, Cancer Prevention Coalition, Chicago, IL
Shirley Erickson, RN, BSN, Prevention Consultant, Sterling Heights, MI
Diana L. Estberg, PhD, Chemistry, retired, Port Angeles, WA
Gerald N. Estberg, PhD, Professor Emeritus in Physics, University of San Diego, CA, resident Port Angeles, WA
G. Robert Evans, DMD, Groton, MA
Mike Ewall, Director, ActionPA, Philadelphia, PA
Paula Fabbie, RDH, Practicing dental hygienist, Kingston, NY
James Edward Fambro, MD, Staff physician, Slidell, LA
Herbert W. Fawcett, DDS, general dentist, 38 years (retired), Concord, CA
Leonard T. Fazio, DDS, Port Jefferson, NY
Jay Feldman, Executive Director, Beyond Pesticides, Washington, DC
Richard D. Fischer, DDS, FAGD, Past president, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, Annadale, VA
Naomi Flack, EdM, co-founder in 1975 of the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), Fluoride Action Network (FAN) Advisory Board Member, Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Ann Fonfa, President, The Annie Appleseed Project, Delray Beach, FL
Rene W. Fonseca, licensed water operator, Carroll-Boone Water District, Eureka Springs, AR
Brent Foster, JD, Executive Director, Columbia Riverkeeper, OR
Harold L. Fox, PhD (Physics), President of EEMF, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
Paul Framson, PhD, Seattle, WA
Christi K. Fuller, RDH Retired, Stuart, FL
Sue Gelber, RSHom(NA), CCH, Professional Homeopath, Davis, CA
Frank W. George, DO, MD(H), Affiliate Associate Professor, Midwestern University, AZ College of Osteopathic Medicine, Phoenix, AZ
David Getoff, CCN, CTN, FAAIM, Jamul, CA
Jerzy O. Giedwoyn, MD, FACC, Cardiology and Internal Medicine, Gresham, OR
Paul Gilbert, DDS, MAGD, Practicing general dentist focusing on biological dentistry, Princeton, NJ
George Gioumousis, PhD, Theoretical Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, 1955 (retired), Palo Alto, CA
William P. Glaros, DDS, FAGD, Immediate Past President, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine; Houston, TX
Natalya Golovanov, ND, San Francisco, CA
Deborah Gordon, MD, Family Physician and Classical Homeopath, Ashland, OR
Steven N. Green, DDS, Past president South Dade District Dental Society, past president Holistic Dental Association, Miami, FL
C. Jess Groesbeck, MD, Preventive Medicine, Mount Vernon, WA
Bret Grossnickle, Water department worker, Westminister, MD, Mayor, Union Bridge, MD
James A. Gruber, former water superintendent, Lakeview Park Water Association (retired after 24 years service), near Soap Lake, WA
Kathy Hagemeister, CCT, CNHP, EDS Technician, St. Cloud, MN
Boyd Haley, PhD, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Robert W. Hall, MS, President, Nevada Environmental Coalition, Inc., Las Vegas, NV
William Hamilton, 1A Water Operator Certificate, Canton Water Department, Canton, NY
Andy Harris, MD, former national president, Physicians for Social Responsibility, ophthalmologist in Salem, Oregon
Glenn Harris, PhD, Professor of Environmental Studies SLU Canton, NY
Jane Harris, Executive Director, Oregon Center for Environmental Health, Portland, OR
William Harris, MD, Retired Emergency Physician, Honolulu, HI
James A. Harrison, DDS, Retired dentist, Lake Worth, FL
Laurie Hartjes, RN, APRN, BC, pediatric nurse practitioner, PhD student (Clinical Associate Professor before returning to school full-time), Madison, WI
Tom Hartjes, MD, family physician, Madison, WI
Gayle Haushahn, BSN, RN, Oncology nurse, Bismarck, AR
Chris K. Hersh, MD, MBA, orthopedic hand surgeon, Portsmouth, VA
Jennifer N. Hersh, PhD, Art History, independent art historian, Brooklyn, NY
W. Robert Hetrick, PhD, Research Coordinator, Fluoride Team of Kansas, Wichita, KS
John H. Hicks, MD, FAAP, Pathways Medical and Holistic Health Center, Delavan, WI
Donald Hillman, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Howard Hindin, DDS, Suffern, NY
Charles T. Hinshaw, Jr., MD
J. William Hirzy, PhD, Vice-President, EPA Headquarters Professionals Union (NTEU Chapter 280), risk assessment expert and (for identification purposes only) ranking chemist at EPA headquarters, Washington, DC
Mark L. Hoch, MD, Past President, American Holistic Medical Association, Minneapolis, MN
Robert Harold (Tad) Hodgert, DMD, Associate Fellow, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Fellow, International Congress of Oral Implantologists, OR
F. Owen Hoffman, PhD, President and Director, SENES Oak Ridge, Inc, Center for Risk Analysis, Oak Ridge, TN
Ronald L. Hoffman, MD, Medical Director, Hoffman Center, Host, Health Talk, WOR Radio Network, NY, NY
Debra Hopkins, DDS, Tacoma, WA
Peter W. Howison, MD, ABFP, ABHM, President, Dunes City Council, Dunes City, OR
Jena Hullman, DC, Certified Bradley Natural Childbirth Instructor, Traverse City, MI
Emily Iker-d’Harnoncourt, MD, ABHM, Director of Lymphedema Center, Santa Monica, CA
William A. Ingram, MD, Assistant Professor, Dept. Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NB
Robert L. Isaacson, PhD, Distinguished Professor, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY. Member of the 2006 National Research Council panel which reviewed the toxicology of fluoride, Binghamton, NY
Loretta Ivory, EdD, Centennial, CO
Robin Jackson, MS, ACS, AOCS, Professor of Chemistry, Central Christian College, McPherson, KS
Antone G. Jacobson, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Shirley Jacobson, MSc (Nursing), USPHS Nurse Corps, retired, Bellingham, WA
Frank Jerome, DDS, Columbus, IN
John W Johnson, DDS, New Albany, OH
Mark Johnson, Water Operator / Lab Director, Mt. Desert Water District, Mount Desert, ME
Marilyn K. Jones, DDS, Houston, TX
Melodie Joy, RN, Registered Nurse, Pathways Medical and Holistic Health Center, Delavan, WI
Eloise Kailin, MD, Sequim, WA
John C. Kall, DMD, FAGD, Chairman, Board of Directors, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Louisville, KY
Kimberly A. Kaminski, JD, Executive Director, Oregon Citzens for Safe Drinking Water, Portland, OR
Emily Kane, ND, Lac, Author Managing Menopause Naturally, Member of mayoral commission to re-examine risk/benefit of fluoridation, Juneau, AK
Theodore Kastenbaum, DDS, North Bellmore, NY
Joel M. Kauffman, PhD, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, author of Malignant Medical Myths, (Infinity Publ., West Conshohocken, PA), NJ
Charles M. H. Keil, PhD (Anthropology), musician and author of Urban Blues; Bright Balkan Morning; and Born to Groove, Lakeville, CT
Renee D. Kelly, RDH, Holistic Periodontal Therapist for 39 years, Houston, TX
David Kennedy, DDS, Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, San Diego, CA
Paul Kenyon, ND, Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Honolulu, HI
Paul G. King, PhD, Analytical Chemistry, Founder of FAME Systems, consulting in Chemistry and Pharmaceutics, Lake Hiawatha, NJ
Ronald L. King, DDS, Past President, Holistic Dental Association, Past appointed member, Minnesota Board of Dentistry, St. Louis Park, MN
Joshua Klainberg, Deputy Director & Political Director, New York League of Conservation Voters, New York, NY
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, medical practitioner, Seattle, WA
Dan Knapp, PhD, (Sociology) CEO of Urban Ore, Incorporated, a reuse and recycling business in Berkeley, CA
Wayne H. Konetzki, MD, Waukesha, WI
Carol S. Kopf, BS in Biology, MA (Science & Environmental Reporting), Media Officer, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc., Levittown, NY
Stephen M. Koral, DMD, Vice President, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Boulder, CO
Ruth Greenwood Koss, RN, MS, Retired school nurse in the public school system in Somerville, NJ
George J. Krol, PhD, Retired after 33 years of bioanalytical and pharmacological research, Longmeadow, MA
Lennart Krook, VMD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
John P. Krueger, DC, Krueger Chiropractic, Tulsa, OK
Richard A. Kunin, MD, President, Society for Orthomolecular Health-Medicine, San Francisco, CA
Mitchell Kurk, MD, Lawrence, NY
Katie Lajoie, RN, Public Health Nurse, Charlestown, NH
John D. Laughlin III, DDS, Holistic Dental Care, River Falls, WI
Robert W. Lavely, DMD, MBA, PSC, Private dental practice, Louisville, KY
Todd Lawson, DMD, Aesthetic Dentistry of Bellevue, WA
Grant H. Layton, DDS, President, Layton Dental, President, Environmental Dental Association, Encinitas, CA
Terry J. Lee, DDS, Biological / Holistic Dentist, Phoenix, AZ
Ljuba Lemke, DMD, PhD, ND, Transformational Orthodontics (A holistic approach to Dentistry), Mt. Laurel, NJ
Leonardo Leonidas, MD, FAAP, Assistant Clinical Professor in Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, pediatric practice, Bangor, ME
Stephen Lester, Science Director, Center for Health, Environment, and Justice (CHEJ), Falls Church, VA
Warren Levin, MD, Vienna, VA
Howard S. Lieberman, DC, Cortland, NY
Luise Light, MS, EdD, Nutritionist, Coordinator, Health Promotion Programs, VT Blueprint for Health, Southeast Region, Bellows Falls, VT
Theodore C. Linn, BD, PhD, University Chaplain (ret.), Emeritus Professor of Religion, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Gary Liss, BSc, MPA, Zero Waste consultant (President of Gary Liss & Associates), CRRA Recycler of the Year (2005), and Leader of Recyclers Global Warming Council, Zero Waste for Global Cooling coalition, Global Recycling Council, and Zero Waste International Alliance, Loomis, CA
Mark S. Lohbauer, JD, former member of the Board of Directors of the NJ Grassroots Environmental Organization, Pennsauken, NJ
Rodney Lofton, DDS, Fenton, MO
James M. Love, JD, Attorney, Titus, Hillis, Reynolds, Love, Dickman & McCalmon, P.C., Tulsa, OK
Robert Luby, MD, Faculty, Lawrence Family Medicine Residency, Lawrence, MA
Susan Maline, MD, US Airways Medical Services, Banner Occupational Health, Tempe, AZ
Todd Mangum, MD, Family Practice and Integrative Medicine, Medical Director, Web of Life Wellness Center, Salt Lake City, UT
William Marcus, PhD, Former chief toxicologist of the EPA Water Division, Boyds, MD
Michael Margolis, DDS, Doctor of Integrative Medicine, PC, President of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry, Founding Member of the Institute for Nutritional Dentistry, Mesa, AZ
Lynn Margulis, PhD, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Geosciences, UMASS Amherst, member, National Academy of Sciences, and a 1999 recipient of the National Medal of Science, Amherst, MA
Avery N. Martin, BS, DC, Mt. Vernon, WA
David Mathis, MD, FAAFP, ABHM, Hamilton, VA
Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr., DO, Topton, PA
Jim Maxey, DDS, Tulsa, OK
Pam McAlister, RSHom (NA), CCH, Homeopathy of St. Paul, St. Paul, MN
Laura McCarthy, Program Associate, Citizens' Environmental Coalition, Albany, NY
Tom McGuire, DDS, Dentist, President The Dental Wellness Institute, Founder International Association of Mercury Free Dentists (IAMFD), Sebastopol, CA
Ellen G. McGrath, DDS, Denver, CO
Marelyn Medina, MD, Urologist, The Family Urology Center, McAllen, TX
William B. Megill, DDS, Dr. of Integrative Medicine, Rocky Hill, NJ
Larry F. Mehne, PhD, Professor of Chemistry, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA
Terrence A. Messerman, DDS, Past President, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Beachwood, OH
Howard W. Mielke, PhD, Environmental Toxicologist, Department of Chemistry, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Carolyn Fodrea Miller, MA, Director, Reading Research Center, member, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Arlington Heights, IL
Rosemary Grace Minervini, RDH, Retired Dental Hygienist, Master's Degree in Dental Hygiene Administration, Education and Research, Lehi, UT
L. R. Misner, Jr., DDS, NMD, Pediatric Dental Practitioner Private Practice, Co-Founder of the Academy of Dental Resources (www. adrdental.com), Pocatello, ID
Jerry Mittelman, DDS, Past-president, International Academy of Preventive Medicine, publisher, The Holistic Dental Digest PLUS, NY
Peter Montague, PhD, Environmental Research Foundation, New Brunswick, NJ
Stanley Monteith, MD, Soquel, CA
Stephen P. Montminy, Water plant Operator, Mount Desert, ME
Deborah E. Moore, PhD, Executive Director, Second Look/Fluoride Toxicity Research Collaborative (FTRC), Worcester, MA
Kent Moore, DC, Rogers, AR
Frank M. Mora, JD, Chairman of the Poughkeepsies' Joint Water Board, past Council Member and Chairman of the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council, Poughkeepsie, NY
Jeffrey Morris, PhD (Economics), Sound Resource Management, Olympia, WA
Aaron Moss, DDS, PhD, New York, NY
Ralph W. Moss, PhD, author of numerous books and articles on cancer therapy, including The Cancer Industry, website on alternative and conventional cancer therapy at , President of Cancer Communications, Inc., Lemont, PA
Alan Muller, Executive Director, Green Delaware, Port Penn, DE
Mary Lynne Murray-Ryder, RDH,BS, Practicing Registered Dental Hygienist, Past President Maine Dental Hygienists Association, Skowhegan, ME
Lisa Nagy, MD, Chair of Public Relations, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Martha's Vineyard, MA
Gerald Natzke, DO, President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Wichita, KS
J. B. Neilands, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA
James A. Neubrander, MD, Edison, NJ
Randall Neustaedter, OMD, Classical Medicine Center, Author of Child Health Guide: Holistic Pediatrics for Parents, 2005, Redwood City, CA
Helene R. (Vaughn) Newbaker, RN, DC, retired, Sedro Woolley, WA
Alan L. Noelck, DDS, Litchfield Park, AZ
Walter De La O, DDS, Sanoviv's Dental Clinic, Baja, CA
Aileen A. O'Donoghue, PhD, Priest Associate Professor of Physics, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
David J. Ogle, MD, Medical Director of the Center for Environmental Medicine in Portland, OR
Richard Olree, DC, 26 years of practice, Hillman, MI
Mary O'Brien, PhD, Author of Making Better Environmental Decisions: An Alternative to Risk Assessment (MIT Press 2000), Eugene, OR
Craig O'Donoghue, DDS, Fairbanks, AK
E.M.T. O'Nan, Director, Protect All Children's Environment, Marion, NC
Bill Osmunson, DDS, MPH, Director, The Institute for Comprehensive Dental Studies. Dental practitioner and educator for 30 years with active practices in Bellevue, WA and Lake Oswego, OR. Host for the Cable-TV Series, "The Doctor's Corner", Portland, OR
Andrew Pallos, DDS, Laguna Niguel, CA
John J. Palmer, DMD, Greer, SC
Alireza Panahpour, DDS, Irvine, CA
Kara Parker, MD, Holistic physician, Seven Bridges Holistic Medicine, Minneapolis, MN
Richard Passwater, PhD, Berlin, MD
Kalpana Patel, MD, FAAP, FAAEM, pediatrician, practicing specialist in environmental medicine, Buffalo, NY
Carol Patton, RN, Jupiter, FL
S. Eugene Peay, DDS, Bountiful, UT
Jan Pendlebury, MS (Environmental Administration), BS (Medical Technology), ASCP, CLS, Environmental consultant, Goffstown, NH
Tom Petrie, BS, Nutritionist, Schachter Center for Complementary Medicine, Spring Valley, NY
Geoffrey R. Pfeifer, PhD (Biochemistry), environmental health consultant, Santa Monica, CA
Brenda Platt, BS in Mechanical Engineering, waste and recycling specialist, Co-Director, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Washington, DC
Lawrence A. Plumlee, MD, Bethesda, MD
Marcia Poe, RDH, MS, CNS, Dental Hygienist, Nutritionist and College Instructor, Belton, MO
Donna K. Porterfield, DMD, Granite City, IL
Michael D. Porteus, RPh, Staff pharmacist, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, OH
Myles A. Preble, DMD, Dental Studio, Salt Lake City, UT
James Presley, PhD, author of several books on health issues including a history of diabetes in the US. President, Friends United for a Safe Environment (FUSE, Inc.) a regional group incorporated in both Texas and Arkansas, Texarkana, TX
Grace S. Prince, MS, RD, LDN, dietitian consultant in private practice, Nashville, TN
Jody Prusi, RDH, dental hygienist, Seattle, WA
Joseph Py, DO, Amesbury, MA
Anne Rabe, coordinator, BE SAFE Campaign, Center for Health & Environmental Justice, CHEJ (for identification purposes only)
Doris Rap, MD Scottsdale, AZ
William J. Rea, MD, member, Board of Directors, American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Dallas, TX
Elizabeth W. Reed, PhD, Scientist and Health Educator, SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis, Oak Ridge, TN
Byron J. Richards, CCN, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Founder of Wellness Resources Inc., author, Fight for your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America, Minneapolis, MN
Mark Riskedahl, Executive Director, Northwest Environmental Defense Center, Portland, OR
Donald Robbins, DMD, Exton, PA
Perry O. Roehl, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Geology, Emeritus, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
De Rodgers, Executive Director, American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Lisa R. Rogers, DO, Professor in Neuro-oncology, Department of Neurology, Taubman Center, Ann Arbor, MI
Michael B. Rogers, DDS, Arlington, VA
Gerald H. Ross, MD, FAAEM, FRSM, Bountiful, UT
James E. Rota, DDS, Los Angeles, CA
John A. Rothchild, DDS, MAGD, DAAPM, IMD, NMD, Hoffman Estates, IL
Darryl W. Roundy, DC, Gig Harbor, WA
Robert D. Rousseau, DDS, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Robert Rowen, MD, Santa Rosa, CA
Paul G. Rubin, DDS, Seattle, WA
Ruth Sackman, President, Foundation for Advancement in Cancer Therapy (FACT), editor, Cancer Forum, author, "Rethinking Cancer," NY, NY
Susan M. Saetre, DC, Rice, MN
Karl Sandberg, MD, Ola, AR
Diego Saporta, MD, Elizabeth, NJ
Richard D. Sauerheber, PhD (chemistry), Palomar College, San Marcos, CA
Andrew W. Saul, PhD, Assistant Editor, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Brockport, NY
Ted Schettler MD, MPH, Science Director, Science and Environmental Health Network, co-author, In Harm's Way and Generations at Risk, Ann Arbor, MI
Bryony Schwan, MS, Executive Director, The Biomimicry Institute, and affiliate faculty at the University of Montana’s Environment Studies program, Missoula, MT
Alan Schwartz, PhD, Professor Emeritus Environmental Studies, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Pete Seeger, folksinger, songwriter and co-founder of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, starting the Hudson River Cleanup Campaign, Beacon, NY
Robert J. Sexauer, DDS, Clinton MO
Karilee H. Shames, PhD, RN, Advance Practice Holistic Nurse, co-author Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled? and Thyroid Power, San Rafael, CA
Richard L. Shames, MD, 35 years GP experience, co-author Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled? and Thyroid Power, San Rafael, CA
Bill Sheehan, PhD, former Executive director of the Grass Roots Recycling Network, current director of Product Policy Institute, Athens, GA
Todd Shewman, BA Kin, Clinical Director, Las Vegas, NV
Catherine Shrady, PhD, Professor of Geology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Mary Shomon, Leading thyroid patient advocate and best-selling author of the Thyroid Diet
Alfred A. Siess, Jr., BCE, MBA, Environmental/Economic Consultant, Ret. Engineering Executive, Lehigh Valley, PA
Delavan Sipes, MS, Professor Emeritus in Electronics & Biomedical Instrumentation, Newsletter Editor, Michigan Lake & Stream Associations, Board Member, Michigan Waterfront Alliance, Watervliet, MI
Lorna H. Skrine, DC, Chiropractic doctor in general practice, McKinleyville, CA
Paul G. Slack, BS Industrial Engineering, Grade IV Water Treatment Operator License, Manager, Mount Desert Water District, Northeast Harbor, ME
Brian J. Smith. DDS, Eureka, CA
Gar Smith, Editor Emeritus, Earth Island Journal, CA
Stephen F. Smith, DDS, Grass Valley, CA
Patricia Ann Smith-Willis, MD (Research), Environmental Health Center, Dallas, TX
Caroline Snyder, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester NY
Kristine L. Soly, MD, FACC, Holistic cardiologist, Yarmouthport, MA
Charlie Spencer, Radio broadcaster (35 years), environmental film maker and advocate, Chairman (1993 - 1999), National Ecology Commission, Secular Franciscan Order (SFO), USA, and editor of the Commission’s newsletter, The Guardian of Creation, Springfield, MA
Allan N. Spreen, MD, CNC, Mesa, AZ
Jean Starai, ND, Elgin, IL
Daniel G. Stockin, MPH, Senior Operations Officer, The Lillie Center, Inc., TN
Janet S. Stopka, DDS, President, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Downers Grove, IL
Terri Su, MD, Santa Rosa, CA
Phillip P. Sukel, DDS, Past President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Huntley, IL
J. Miranda R. Taylor, LAc, MTCM, Licensed Acupuncturist, Master of TCM, Gesundheit Acupuncture and Herbs PLLC, Seattle, WA
Pamela Thacher, PhD (Clinical Psychology), Associate Professor of Psychology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Kathleen M. Thiessen, PhD, Senior Scientist, SENES Oak Ridge, Inc., Center for Risk Analysis, Member of the 2006 National Research Council panel which reviewed the toxicology of fluoride. Oak Ridge, TN
William E. Thiessen, PhD, Research Chemist (retired), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
Dick Thom, DDS, ND, Professor, National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR
Joseph W. Tinko, Esq., Tinko Law Group, Meadville, PA
Calvin D. Tormanen, PhD, Professor of Chemistry, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI
Tine Thevenin, Author, The Family Bed and Mothering and Fathering: The Gender Differences in Child Rearing, The Natural Child Project (www.naturalchild.org), Lake City, MN
Jeanine Trevillyan, MD, Texarkana, AR
Demetra Vagias, MD, ND, River Forest, IL
Charles M. Ventresca, DC, Lac, Chiropractor / Acupuncturist, Glen Cove, NY
Gerald E. Vermette, DDS, Skowhegan, ME
Jeffrey Viglielmo, DDS, Woodstock, NY
Maureen Viglielmo, DDS, Woodstock, NY
Alan R. Vinitsky, MD, Board-certified Internist and Pediatrician, Gaithersburg, MD
Mati Waiya, Executive Director, Wishtoyo Foundation, Ventura Coastkeeper, Ventura, CA
John D. Walsh, DDS, Anchorage, AK
Barbara Warren RN, MS in Environmental Health Science, Warren Environmental & Health Consulting Services, Inc. NY
Carrie B. Waters, DVM, PhD, Director of Medical Resources, Waterskrauss, Dallas, TX
Alan Weiner, DO, Environmental Medicine, Portland, ME
Randall M. Weiner, JD, environmental lawyer, Boulder, CO
Victoria Welch, Executive Director of the Minnesota Natural Health Coalition, Rosemount, MN
William. A. Westendorf, DDS, LMt, Cincinnati, OH
Frank Whalen, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY
Lew Wheelwright, DC, Ogden, UT
Richard Wiles, Executive Director, Environmental Working Group, Washington, DC
Randall Wilkinson, MD, CEO, Trienelle Skincare, Coeur d’Alene, ID
Richard S. Wilkinson, MD, Yakima, WA
Craig E. Williams, Director: Kentucky Environmental Foundation, Director: Chemical Weapons Working Group, Recipient: 2006 Goldman Environmental Prize, KY
Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND, Novato, CA
Jeffrey A. Williamson, DDS, Lake Oswego, OR
John L. Wilson, Jr., MD, CEO, Great Smokies Medical Center of Asheville, Past President, American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), Past President, Great Lakes College of Clinical Medicine (Currently the International College of Clinical Medicine), Director, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Advisor, American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology, Asheville, NC
Bernie Windham, Biostatistician and Engineer, Research Director, DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome) International, Tallahassee, Fl
Barnet Winter, DDS, Beacon, NY
Dennis Woggon, DC, Rice, MN
Kenneth N. Woliner, MD, ABFP, Family Physician, Boca Raton, FL
Krystna Wolski, DMD, Roslyn Estates, NY
Mae W. Woo, DDS, Billings, MT
Patti Wood, Executive Director, Grassroots Environmental Education, Port Washington, NY
Tonnie Wulff, DC, Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) specialist, Hastings, MN
Joyce R. Young, ND, IBCLC, Private Practice Physician with a speciality in Environmental Medicine, Portland, OR
Matthew Young DDS, PA, Director, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Hendersonville, NC
Victor Zeines, DDS, MS, FAGD, FIND, dental practitioner in Manhattan, author of Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body, and several other books, founding member, Institute for Nutritional Dentistry, New York, NY
John Zimmerman, PhD, Biological Psychology and Neuroscience, Reno, NV

Henry Lickers, BSc, Director of the Department of the Environment of the Mohawks’ Council of Akwesasne, Akwesasne
James W. Ransom, BSc, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tribal Chief, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, Akwesasne

Asociacion Argentina de Medicos por el Medio Ambeinte, AAMMA

Elena Manvelyan, MD, PhD, Head, Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (AWHHE), Yerevan

Caree Alexander, BDSc, Dentist, Port Macquarie, NSW
Craig Boyden, Chartered Chemist, RACI, Laboratory Manager, Holland Park West, Queensland
Fiona Boyden, BN, RN, PRN, Townsville, Queensland
Mary Rose Camilleri, RN, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Community Mental Health, Blue Haven, New South Wales
Noel Campbell, BDSc, LDS, FACNEM, FASID, Visiting Professor, Hope Research Institute, Melbourne
Maureen Corbett, BSc, DipEd, ND, Hepburn, Victoria
Eric Davis, BDSc, DipClinNutr, DipAC, FACNEM, ND, principal of a dental practice, a founding member and past president of the Australian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
Marc P. De Vecchi, B.Pharm, BHSc-Naturopathy, Pharmacist & Naturopath, Daylesford, Victoria
Mark Diesendorf, PhD, Director, Sustainability Centre, Sydney
Doug N. Everingham, MB, BS, Australian Health Minister 1972-75 , Brisbane, Queensland
Chris Ewan, Independent Water Consultant, Ballarat
Gerry Gillespie, President, Zero Waste Australia
Isaac Golden, PhD, D.Hom, ND, Director, Australasian College of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy, Gisborne, Victoria
Veronica Griffin, PhD, MD, Director, Nutri-Concepts Clinics - Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and Chemical Detox, Cairns, Queensland
Merilyn Haines, BAppSc (Med Lab Tech), Spokesperson, Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc., Brisbane
Andrew Harms, BDS, Airforce dentist (1978-83), private practice (1983-present), member of the Australian Dental Association, President of South Australia ADA, 1996, Adelaide
Eve Hillary, BHSc, ND, RN, associate member Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, Sydney, NSW
Brook Hinckley, BMetE (Bachelor of Metallurgical Engineering), Principal Metallurgist, Sydney, NSW
Councillor Lisa Intemann, BA(Hons), BAppSc, Community Development worker of 30 years, Wauchope, NSW
Peter Linaker, retired consultant in science and engineering, elected member, Barwon Water Authority (1991-1993), currently Secretary, Barwon Association for Freedom from Fluoridation (BAFF), Geelong
Mariann Lloyd-Smith, PhD (Law), Senior Advisor, National Toxics Network Inc., East Ballina, NSW
Lisa Matriste, BDSc, Dentist, Malvern, Victoria
David McRae, BSc(Hons), Grad Dip (Human Services), Health Promotion Officer, Geelong
Hans H. Nehrlich, PhD, Private Practice Orthomolecular Medicine, ret. university lecturer, Germany and Australia, Brisbane
Geoff Pain, PhD, Lecturer in Science, University of Notre Dame, Environmental Consultant, Member of the Western Australia Environment Minister's Panel of Experts, Member of the Australian Labor Party Environment and Conservation Policy Committee, Perth
Philip Robertson BHSc, ND, a Naturopath from Australia, formerly lecturer in Health Sciences at Victoria University, currently a consultant in functional pathology testing, Carmoora Clinic, Geelong
Ruth Rollinson, RN, retired, Mirani, Queensland
Jean Ryan, BSc, Nutrition and Dietetics, RN, Brisbane, Queensland
John A. Ryan, MBBS, MSc, Nutrition, FRACGP, DCH, FAMAC (Acupuncture), FACNEM (Nutritional & Environment. Med), FICAN (Nutrition,USA), MICGP (Ireland), Brisbane, Queensland
Natalie L. Ryan, MBBS, DA, FRACGP, General Medical Practitioner, Warrnambool
G. William Sanday, DO, Glen Davis, New South Wales
Carol Skeggs, RN, retired, Mackay, Queensland
Philip Stowell MBBS (London), Fellow and Board Member, College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, General Practice, Brisbane, Queensland
Janet Tallon, Retired nurse, Bundaberg, Queensland
Eli Ussher, BAS Conservation Technology, sewage treatment plant operator, NSW
Leisa Wheeler, ND, Hippocrates Health Centre, Mudgeeraba, Queensland

Rudolf Ziegelbecker jr., Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn., physicist, author of some papers on fluoridation, helped end water fluoridation in Czechoslovakia, Graz
Rudolf Ziegelbecker, Ing., retired member of the Institute for Environmental Research of the Research Center Graz, Austria, honored "Citizen of the City of Graz", former member of the New York Academy of Sciences, European expert in several governments‘ and parliaments‘ hearings on fluoridation, co-author of Vorsicht Fluor with Dr MO Bruker (Emu Verlag, Lahnstein, 2005, Gemany), since 1969 author of numerous scientific papers revealing the ineffectiveness of fluoridation and author of far more critical analyses and comments on most basic and many later fluoridation experiments, whose activities essentially contributed to the cessation of water fluoridation in all the cities of 9 of 11 "fluoridated" European countries including Eastern European states, Graz

Prapti Wahyuningsih, BSc Environmental engineering, Program Officer/Community Development expert (solid waste management and domestic waste water), Bali Fokus Foundation, Sesetan-Denpasar

Eugeniy Lobanov, BSc, Toxics Campaigner, environmental group FRI

Prof. Dr. Luc Hens, Vakgroep Menselijke Ecologie (Human Ecology Department), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels
Chris Vermeire, Journalist, Antwerp

Ivaylo Hlebarov, Member of the Board for the Environmental Association "Za Zemiata" (For the Earth), Sofia

María Acosta, BSc, Secretary, Quebec’s Academy of Biological Dentistry, Montreal, Québec
Céline Arsenault, ND, Naturopath, La Prairie, Québec
Kent Babcock, DDS, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
James Beck, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Medical Biophysics, University of Calgary, Alberta
Warren Bell, BA, MD, CM, CCFP, President, ACIPBC (Association of Complementary and Integrative Physicians of BC), Calgary, Alberta
Rosalie Bertell, PhD, Regent of the Board, International Physicians for Humanitarian Medicine, Geneva, Switzerland, Retired President, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Toronto
Joan Bowie, BNSc, nurse, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Emmanuel Comte, ND, Montréal, Québec
Aline Côté, PhD (Literature), publisher of scientific books for 25 years and University teacher in publishing, owner of Éditions Berger which published Fluoridation: autopsy of a scientific error by Dr Pierre-Jean Morin, John Remington Graham and Gilles Parent, ND, Montreal, Québec
Daniel-J. Crisafi, PhD (biochemistry), ND, Clinical Director pH Santé Beauté Inc., Montreal
Joe Cummins, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Robert C. Dickson, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Calgary, Alberta
Jean-Yves Dionne, BSc Pharm, pharmacist, Montreal, Québec
Eric Ducharme, ND, Sainte-Anne de la Rochelle, Québec
Jonathan Duquette, PhD (science of religions), Physician (Maîtrise), Montréal
Richard G. Foulkes, MD, Abbotsford, B.C.
Roseline Gagnon, MSc (Nutrition), ND, Candiac, Québec
Diane Gauthier, ND, Naturopathe diplomée, Sherbrooke, Québec
Louis Gauthier, DDS, Private practice, member, Quebec Academy of Biocompatible Dentistry (ADBQ), member of the Quebec Dental Board, Québec City,
Dorothy Goldin-Rosenberg, MES, PhD, Toronto
John Remington Graham, LLB, of the Minnesota Bar, co-author, La fluoration autopsie d'une erreur scientifique, 2005, now living in St-Agapit, Québec
Mireille Guay, PhD (organic chemistry), Sherbrooke, Québec
Ella Haley, PhD, Assistant Professor, Centre for Global and Social Analysis, Athabasca University, researching contaminated communities near phosphate processing factories, Edmonton, Alberta
David R. Hill, PEng, Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary, research consultant & Scientific Auditor for Canadian government programs (SR&ED & NSERC) providing financial support to industry and universities, Calgary, Alberta
Galina Husaruk, Thérapeute, Québec
Pam Killeen, co-author of the NY Times bestselling book, The Great Bird Flu Hoax, London, Ontario
Julie Lafrance, DMD, dentiste holistique, Longueuil, Québec
Isabelle Langevin, ND, Sherbrooke, Québec
Pierre Larose, DDS, Retired A/Major, Canadian Forces Dental Services, Fellow, Academy of General Dentistry, Founding member, Quebec Holistic Dental Association and currently, Vice-President International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Montreal, Québec
Gilles Leroux, MSc, Biologie, ND, Montréal, Québec
Hardy Limeback, PhD, DDS, Assoc. Professor and Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto, Past President, Canadian Association for Dental Research, and Member of the 2006 National Research Council panel which reviewed the toxicology of fluoride, Mississauga, Ontario
Jon Lord, former Alderman Calgary City Council, former Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta
Cameron I. MacLean, DDS, General practitioner and Faculty, Oragnathic Bioesthetics International (OBI), Calgary, Alberta
Jean-Claude Magny, ND, PhD, Director École d'enseignement supérieur de natupathie du Québec, Member of Groupe de recherche en approche intégrée en santé - Université du Québec à Montréal (GRAIS-UQAM), Montreal, Québec
Pierre-Jean Morin, PhD, Director of medical research at Laval University Hospital (1973-1979) and principal author of La fluoration: autopsie d'une erreur scientifique (Éditions Berger, Eastman, QC, 2005) Québec
Louis Nadeau, Physicist/Neuroscientist, Université Laval, Québec
Maurice Nicole, Naturopathe, St-Félix-de-Valois, Québec
Gilles Parent, ND, author of L'inconséquence de la Fluoration, 1975 and co-author of La fluoration autopsie d'une erreur scientifique, 2005, member de l'Association de diplômés en naturopathie du Québec, (the association has taken a position against fluoridation and it is member of «Front commun pour une eau saine»), St. Laurent (Montreal), Québec
Gurdev Parmar, BSc, ND, Fort Langley, B.C.
Stéphanie Plamondon, anthropologue médicale, St-Félix-de-Valois, Québec
Nicole Renaud, Naturopathe. Trois-Rivières, Québec
Nathalie Roussy, Dental hygienist, Longueuil, Québec
Nestor B. Shapka, DDS, Bonnyville, Alberta
Jimmy Siles, MSc civil engineering, fluoride spokesperson and board member for Qualité de Vie à Québec and Front Commun pour une Eau Saine, Montreal, Québec
W. Gary Sprules, PhD, Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto
Tara Sprules, PhD, Professional Associate, Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Québec
Peter L.D. Van Caulart, Dip. A.Ed. CES, CEI, VP & Director, Environmental Training Institute, Cobalt, Ontario
Normand Vézina, ND, Naturopathe, Montmagny, Québec
Murray J. Vimy, DMD, practicing dentist and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Dept. of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Calgary, Alberta
Dave Warwick, DDS, Hanna, Alberta

William Campbell Douglass, II, MD

Prof. Dr. Anna Strunecka, DSc, Professor Emeritus of Physiology, Faculty of Sciences Charles University, Prague

Dr. Henri Allard, Dental surgeon, member, Fédération des Associations Cévenoles Environnement Nature (FACEN), Rousson
Dominique Belpomme, PhD, Professor in medical oncology, ARTAC's Cancer Research Center, Paris
Elie Fattal, diplomat (retired), Montpellier
Francis Glemet, pharmaceutical industry (retired), spokesperson, Amies Association des medecins independants pour l’environment et la sante publique, Montpelier
Mikael Laurent, Coordinator MCE (Maison de la Consommation et de l'Environment) Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine
Paul Matthews, BA Fine Arts, Bilingual poet and artist specializing in the exposure of political and cultural manipulation of civil society, Saint Senoux, Ille-et-Vilaine
Gérard Moine, PhD (chemistry), member, French Chemical Society, Mulhouse
Denise Schneider, présidente, l'association protection defense de l’environnement de Bourg-Fidele

Peter Meiers, author, Toxizitaet von Fluorverbindungen (1984), and of several articles on fluoride toxicity in medical journals; owner of the www.fluoride-history.de website, Saarbruecken
Prof. Joerg Spitz, Managing Director, Society for Medical Information and Prevention in Germany, Wiesbaden

Tomori Balázs, President, Messzelátó Egyesület

Leo Rebello, ND, PhD, President, AIDS Alternativa International, Mumbai
Bittu Sahgal, Editor, Sanctuary magazine, Mumbai
A. K. Susheela, PhD, FASc, FAMS, Executive Director, Fluorosis Research & Rural Development, Delhi
Ramtej J. Verma, MSc, PhD, Professor in Zoology, Department of Zoology, Gujarat University, Gujarat

Yuyun Ismawati, Director, BALIFOKUS Foundation, Coordinator of JALA-Sampah.

Rosie Cargin, MA, Kinsale Environment Watch, Kinsale, Co. Cork
Elizabeth Cullen, MB, BCh, BAOM Sc. Diploma in Pollution Control, Secretary of the Irish Doctors' Environmental Association
Don Mac Auley, BDS, Dental Surgeon and Chairman of Irish Dentists Opposing Fluoridation
Philip Michael, MB, BCh, DCH, DRCOG, MICGP, Chair, Irish Doctors Environmental Association, Vice President [Europe] International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE) Millbrook Medical Centre, Bandon, Co Cork, Ireland
Jacqueline Nielsen, Barrister-at-Law, The Law Library, Four Courts, Dublin
Robert Pocock, fluoridation spokesperson for VOICE OF IRISH CONCERN for the Environment, Dublin
Dr. Andrew Rynne, LRCP&SI, MICGP, Medical Practitioner and columnist for the Irish Medical News, founder of Clane General Hospital,, Co. Kildare

Mark Draper, MB, DA, DRCOG, General Practitioner, Douglas

Aviva Zack Dycian, DMD, Ramat Hasharon, near Tel-Aviv
Gideon Mishnaevsky, MSc, Geologist, Ramat Hasharon, near Tel-Aviv
Maria Westerman, Medical Laboratory for diagnostic tests and research, Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem
Loty Zilberman, MSc, Chemical Engineer, Environmental and Toxicological Consultant

Sergio Apollonio, President, Malagrotta Committee, Rome
Ernesto Burgio, MD, Pediatrician, Vice President, Scientific Committee ISDE Italy (International Society of Doctors for Environment), Palermo
Bobbie Beckman, DDS, Swedish dentist working in Bassano del Grappa
Rossano Ercolini, Ambiente e Futuro, Lucca
Liliane Buffaut Mungo, Comitato Tutela Valdichiana, Italia Nostra, Arezzo
Fabio Tomei, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan
Federico Valerio, PhD, environmental chemist, University of Genoa, Genoa

Kenji Akiniwa, DDS, Akiniwa Dental Clinic, Editor, The Journal of the Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, Tokyo
Mitsuo Kakei, PhD, Lecturer, Division of Oral Anatomy, Meikai University School of Dentistry, Saitama
Junji Kato, MD, PhD, Director, Miyachiyo Kato Clinic, Director, Japanese Temperance Union, member, Medwatcher, member, Japanese Society for Fluoride Research
Taichi Kazuno, DDS, a member of Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, Beppu city
Tohru Murakami, DDS, PhD, former President of Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, former Vice President of Gunma prefectural Dental Association
Akihiro Nagano, DDS, PhD, member of Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, Sizuokaken
Shimizu Nakao, DDS, Kanome Dental Clinic, director of Japanese Society for Tobacco Control, Hamatonbetsu, Hokkaido Prefecture
Toshiro Sakae, PhD, DDS, Associate Professor, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan
Masami Thumagari, Member of Japanese Society for Fluoride Research, Moriyama-city, Shiga-pref
Masayoshi Yoshikawa, DDS, Lecturer, Division of Orthodontics, Meikai University School of Dentistry, Ome

Wael Hmaidan, Environmental Policy Advisor, Currently Executive Director of IndyAct, a global league of independent activists, Previous Greenpeace campaigner for the Arab World, Beirut

Dr. Tomica Ancevski, Director, Macedonian Association of Doctors for the Environment (MADE)

Thayanithi Kulenthran, Principal, & Strategic Planning and Operations DayAnidhi Earth (Compassion for Earth) & Greenfields Consulting, Selangor
Mageswari Sangaralingam (Masters in Environmental Management), Research Officer, Consumers Association of Penang
Yuen-Mei Wong, Community and media activist for environmental justice issues; committee member, Broga/Semenyih No Incinerator Action Committee, Kajang, Selangor

Ram Charitra Sah, MSc Environment Science, Executive Director, CEPHED, Kathmandu

Robert Anderson, PhD, Tauranga
Graham Mark Atkin, BSc(Chem), LLB(Hons), Wellington
Nigel Brooke, DO, Wanganui, Aotearoa
Mike Godfrey, MBBS, Tauranga
L. R. B. Mann, PhD, Senior Lecturer (rtd) in Environmental Studies, University of Auckland
Tony McDonald, RN, Christchurch
Bruce Spittle, MB, ChB, DPM, FRANZCP, Managing Editor of Fluoride, Quarterly Journal of the International Society for Fluoride Research, Dunedin
Bill Wilson, Past President New Zealand Pure Water Association, Auckland

Von Hernandez, past executive director of Greenpeace, Philippines, 2003 Goldman Prize winner, Manila
Sonia Mendoza, BS Chemistry, Chairman, Mother Earth Foundation, Quezon City, Metro Manila
Romeo Quijano, MD, Manilla
Camille C. Sarmiento, MENRM, Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resource Officer, Province of Northern Samar
Linabelle Ruth R. Villarica, Governor, Soroptimist International of the Philippines Region, Makati City, Metro Manila

Angel M. Gonzalez, MD, Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine, San Juan
Tomas Hernandez, MD, MPH, Neurologist, President, Public and Environmental Health Committee, Puerto Rico College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Juan
Victor A. Marcial-Vega, MD, Oncologist, Member, Public and Environmental Health Committee, Puerto Rico College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Juan
Zoilo Nieves, MD, Environmental medicine, San Juan
Hector Rivera, MD, Psychiatrist, San Juan
Olvaldo Rosario, PhD, Professor of Environmental Chemistry, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan
Pablo Segarra, MD, Cayey

Muna Lakhani, National Co-ordinator, Institute for Zero Waste in Africa, Durban, Kwa Zulu Natal
Ilona Visser, BSc, BChD, PDD, Senior Consultant, Cape Town SmileStudios, President, Republic of South Africa chapter, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, Cape Town

Jong-Chul Kim, Editor of Green Review
Seung-ryul Lee, PhD, Full Professor, Dept. of English, Yeung Nam University, Kyung San
Kim Mi-hwa, Director, Korea Zero Waste Movement Network, Seoul, Korea
Hye-Young Park, PhD, Professor of English Literature, Inha University, Incheon

Dilena Pathragoda, Project Director, Centre for Environmental Justice (CEJ), Colombo

Arvid Carlsson, MD, Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of Göteborg, Nobel Laureate for Physiology or Medicine, 2000 (shared with Paul Greengard and Eric Kandel for their discoveries concerning "signal transduction in the nervous system"). See Nobel press release and Dr. Carlsson's comments on fluoridation.
Bo H. Jonsson, MD, PhD, Department of clinical neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

Martin H. Jenzer, MD, Director Projeunesse AG, Rochester, N.Y. And Hergiswil
Konradin Kreuzer, Dipl.Ing.Chem.ETH, founder, "Forum für verantwortbare Anwendung der Wissenschaft, Basel,” editor of the website www.nux.ch, Flüh
Kathleen Muto, RDH, Paracelsus Klinik, Gais

George Cheng, Executive Director, Taiwan Watch Institute
Herlin Hsieh, Researcher, Taiwan Watch Institute

Penchom Saetang, Coordinator of Campaign for Alternative Industry Network (CAIN), and Director of the Thai Right to Know project, and Asian Public Intellectual Fellow, 2005, Nonthaburi

Hans Moolenburgh, MD, Author, Fluoride: The Freedom Fight (Mainstream pub., Edinburgh, 1987), Haarlem

John Briffa, BSc, MB, BS, Medical Practitioner, London, England
Paul Clein, B Pharm, MR Pharms, Liverpool City Councilor and Joint Chairman of UK Councils Against Fluoridation , Liverpool, England
Douglas Cross, BSc, Cbiol, MIBiol, EurProBiol, Independent Consultant in Environmental Compliance and Forensic Ecology, just completed five years as a Member of the UK Government's Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Foods, Consumer Products and the Environment' (CoT) investigating the medical effects of chemical contamination of the public water supply, Cumbria
Richard Dean, BDS, Dentist, London, England
John C. J. Eaton, MA (Cantab), MSI, F Inst D
Damien Downing, MBBS, President, British Society for Ecological Medicine, Editor, Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, Medical Director, Alliance for Natural Health, London
Anthony Fox, MD, New Milton, Hants, England
Sheila L. M. Gibson, MD, BSc, MFHom, Member of the Advisory panel for the York Review. Medical advisor to UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Glasgow, Scotlant
George C. Glasser, Environmental journalist and researcher. Advisor to UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England
Barry Groves, PhD (nutritional science), Independent researcher, Author of “Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death?,” England,
Richard Hall, North Yorkshire County Councilor, College Lecturer and information officer and spokesperson in Yorkshire for UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Knaresborough, England
Steve Hickey, PhD, university lecturer, Manchester
Professor C. Vyvyan Howard, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCPath, Bioimaging Research Group, Centre for Molecular Bioscience, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland; and newly elected President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE)
Doris M. Jones, MSc, Independent Researcher, Co-Editor, Environmental Issues Forum (EIF), Ilford, Essex, England
Tony Lees, BDS, Dental surgeon. Dental advisor to UK Councils Against Fluoridation and the National Pure Water Association, Brecon, South Wales.
Jennifer Luke, PhD, BDS, Dentist, researcher on fluoride and the pineal gland, Sussex, England
Peter John Mansfield, MA, MB, B Chir FRSA, Family Doctor and independent scientist, member of the Advisory Board for the Systematic Review of Public Water Fluoridation conducted by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York (known as "The York Review", McDonagh et al., 2000), Newark on Trent, England
Elizabeth McDonagh, BSc (Hons), Cert Ed, Former college lecturer in food studies and applied science (retired), Chairman, National Pure Water Association, England
Henry Micklem, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Immunobiology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Viv Mountford, BSc, Former Coordinator, Halton Friends of the Earth. Awarded a “Lifetime Achievement Award” by FoE UK, for anti-toxics campaigning. Chester, Cheshire, England
John A. Newby, PhD, Liverpool, England
Ian E. Packington, MA Cert Tox, Independent Science Adviser to National Pure Water Association [NPWA], York, England
Jamie D. Page, BSc, MBA, Chief Executive, The Cancer Prevention and Education Society, Canary Wharf, London, England
Diane Philips, MB, BS, BSc(Hons), DA, England
Iain J Robbé, BSc, MSc (PHM), MSc (MEd), MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, FFPHM, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant, Public Health Medicine, Cardiff University, Wales
Ralph Anthony Ryder, Director, Communities Against Toxics UK, Editor; TOXCAT, Ellesmere Port, England
Alan B. Shrank, MD, FRCP (UK), consultant physician, medical advisor to UK Councils Against Fluoridation, England
Liz Vaughan, Councilor, Information Officer for UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Cumbria, England
Robert Verkerk, DIC, PhD, Executive & Scientific Director, Alliance for Natural Health, Dorking, Surrey, England
Robin N. Watkins, DO, MSCC, UK trained Osteopathic Practitioner, member of the General Osteopathic Council and British Osteopathic Association, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
John Whitelegg, PhD, FCIT, Lancaster City Councilor and Joint Chairman of UK Councils Against Fluoridation, Lancaster, England
Councilor Arnold Woolley, DipIM, MCMI, Rtd. Senior Police Officer, past JP and current environmental activist, North Wales



Posted by cgciejweyx on 2012-01-29 03:41:40
rrqlhctbmfsu, rorbwbegxj
Posted by ubebchfmqt on 2012-01-29 06:43:19
lhdktctbmfsu, obgrgnmjlx
Posted by mvwyzfqitd on 2012-01-29 09:44:29
eazwfctbmfsu, emeauzwerl
Posted by rneeqewndg on 2012-01-29 12:46:58
cryvxctbmfsu, http://www.nhvlhcoqob.com whayycxyen
Posted by zuvynzbivk on 2012-01-29 15:55:26
uapexctbmfsu, http://www.ldjdrzbkbi.com iuaeznyoix
Posted by cyxrrzdlqh on 2012-03-23 18:40:23
ceuspctbmfsu, kegpjedoeh
Posted by Thiago on 2014-05-08 09:30:06
I'd heard about this before, but never read any detailed article or study. If this is the case, though, isn't the loss something negligible? I mean, the nation has been drinking that water for decades, and we haven't been sent back to the stone age yet. Thiago | http://www.drlindakaynichols.com

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