U.S. Troops Support Politicians Who Want To End Iraq Occupation

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Federal Election Commission reports for the most recent quarter of 2007 show that the vast majority of active-duty American troops apparently "hate America" and "hate themselves" because they overwhelmingly donated money to the political campaigns of those running on an anti-war platform.

Here we see that 70.6% of the money that the active duty troops gave to Presidential candidates in Q2 was to anti-war candidates (the Democrats + Ron Paul). Only 29.4% was to pro-war candidates (the other Republicans).

Why do the troops hate the troops?

Ron Paul 26.23%
Barack Obama 24.02%
Hillary Clinton 11.08%
Bill Richardson 5.59%
John Edwards 2.63%
Joe Biden 0.84%
Mike Gravel 0.16%
Dennis Kucinich 0.05%
Chris Dodd 0%

John McCain 18.31%
Mitt Romney 4.05%
Rudy Giuliani 2.44%
Mike Huckabee 1.84%
Tom Tancredo 1.63%
Duncan Hunter 1.05%
Sam Brownback 0.07%
Tommy Thompson 0%
Jim Gilmore 0%
John Cox 0%


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