Administration Tries Out New Talking Points On Russert-Bot

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[Beating Dead Horses]
This week we get a double-sneak peak: of both the upcoming September talking points Bush will be pushing, and a leaked video of the Iraq Abassador trying them out on version 2.0 of the Tim Russert Robot. Let's have a look...

Here's a short review of the third-quarters amazing new talking points from the Bush administration, soon to be regurgitated across all right wing broadcasts:

  • There are "astonishing signs of normalcy in Baghdad" (maybe in half the city)

    In other words, it is astonishing if you see any sign of normalcy?

  • Anyone who criticizes the war effort "isn't in touch" with what's going on. People who say it isn't going well aren't "spending time on the ground."

  • The "surge" was never intended to fix a problem. It was just to "buy time".

    In other words, it's the fault of the provisional government, for not getting enough done because they're preoccupied with trying not to get blown up or beheaded.

  • More Iraqis are dying than Americans, so that proves something... we think.

    If you lost a son or daughter, imagine how much worse it is for the Iraqi people and STFU. Oh, yea, we aren't keeping track of how many Iraqis are actually dead. That would be a bummer

  • Also, it's not a war. It's a "complex security situation" now.

  • Also, there is no failure in these efforts, merely an "absence of progress"... got that?

I particularly like the explosion at 4:51 in the video. This must be more of that "astonishing normalcy" they're talking about.


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