Chinese Toys Contain Lead Paint

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More than 1 million of the popular "Thomas & Friends" wooden railway toys made in China are being voluntarily recalled because some may contain lead paint, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said on Wednesday.

About 1.5 million wooden vehicles, buildings and other train-set parts for young children are being recalled, the CPSC said in a statement. The toys were sold in the United States from January 2005 through June 2007, the statement said.

Lead is toxic and can pose a serious health risk to young children who often put objects in their mouths. Children under 6 are most at risk.

The CPSC and RC2 Corp., the Oak Brook, Illinois-based company that imports "Thomas & Friends" toys, said there had been no reports of illness or injuries linked to the recall.

The recall of toys made in China follows a series of health scandals in the United States involving food, drugs and other products imported from China, from poisoned cough syrup to tainted toothpaste and pet food.



f*ck communist
Posted by ed america on 2008-10-10 12:15:26
chinse suck

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