Bill Maher's New Rules: Treasonable Doubt

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Friday, Bill Maher had an interesting commentary on who is and isn't a patriot. Who supports the troops and what that really means. Check it out.

"What could be less patriotic than constantly screwing things up for America?"

Big shout-out to all the farkers out there!


Witty and inciteful
Posted by JGN on 2007-03-25 14:28:21
A shout back from a Farker. Cheers.
Posted by Ross Cannon on 2007-03-25 20:52:28
The lack of oversight by the Republican Congressional majority from 2000 until
2006 was all the rope the Bush/Cheney/Rove bunch needed to hang themselves and end the hope of a conservative majority in the US for the next twenty years. Unfortunately, terrible damage was also done to the US and indeed the world then. RossCannon
Posted by GS on 2007-03-25 21:33:29
If Plame was "covert" as Maher states the why did she state "under oath" that the covert laws did NOT apply to her. Also that her so called "covert" status was known on the Geargetown cocktail curcuit. Just a couple of her own statements made during the dog & pony show "hearings" that made her credibility less than zero.
Posted by GS on 2007-03-25 21:35:28
Sorry! misspelled Georgetown

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