When Officials Are Hopeful You Know You're Totally Screwed
Posted by ueberbill
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On a one-day unannounced trip to Baghdad (worst. vacation. ever.) over the weekend, Condoleezza Rice (bane of spellcheckers in any language) said she saw "new hope" in Iraq after the launch of a US-led security plan. No one told the bad guys, however, as on Sunday a marketplace bombing killed 60 people just minutes after a US sweep of the area. So Iraqis, if I were you, I'd do my hoping under my bed. In a bunker. Far away from Iraq. |
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had called the new joint operation a "dazzling success" only two days ago. The Shiites in the market certainly were dazzled as two car bombs went off in quick succession and caused, according to one witness, "complete devastation." This was the most lethal attack in Iraq since the offical launching of the plan on Wednesday, and it came as a part of the so-called "surge" of troups into inner-city sections of Baghdad. The plan, designed by Iraqi officials, was intended to make the country inhospitable to violent extremist groups by stepping up patrols in neighborhoods, cracking down on unlawfully possessed weapons and tightening security along Iraq's borders. Instead it seems to be making the country inhospitable to civilians. | Bombing Information
Rice's Hope | |