Anti-Gay Group Proposes New Marriage Law

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A new initiative is turning heads around Washington as the gay-marriage debate heats up again. It would allow only couples capable of having kids to marry, and that they file "proof of procreation" within three years of the marriage. If not, the marriage would be annulled.

A new initiative is turning heads around the state of Washington as the gay-marriage debate heats up again.

Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed has accepted Initiative 957, a response by gay rights activists to a State Supreme Court ruling last summer.

The Washington Supreme Court ruled that the state could prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying because the state has a legitimate interest in preserving marriage for procreation.

The Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance then filed the initiative.

I-957 has five clauses that would have to be met for a legal marriage.

It would allow only couples capable of having kids to marry, and that they file "proof of procreation" within three years of the marriage. If not, the marriage would be annulled.

Many people think the law is over the top.

Leaders at a Kennewick church with gay and lesbian members feel the same.

"There are many marriages that are not about having children. There are many couples who marry later in life, they marry for companionship, they marry because they want to create a family," said the Reverend Janet Pierce.

"They don't necessarily marry to have children," Pierce said.

I-957 would also force couples who married out of state to show the same proof of procreation or their marriage wouldn't be recognized, and it would become a criminal act for anyone in an unrecognized marriage to get marriage benefits.

To make it on the November ballot they need 224,800 signatures by July 6.


Posted by meow on 2007-02-06 16:10:08

This is a parody
Posted by Hyperion on 2007-02-06 23:01:46
This is a pro-gay marriage group, lobbying for an absurd bill to point out how stupid current legislation (citing procreation as the reason homosexuals can't marry) really is.
Not a bad idea, as a gesture
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-02-07 00:00:43
If you take the court's decision--that marriage is all about procreation--to its logical extreme, you get this bill. The fact that the bill freaks people out shows that the court's argument wasn't a very convincing one.

If marriage is all about the children, and only the children, then hey, let's enforce that. Or if that's a load of crap, let's admit it.
Posted by Pile on 2007-02-07 10:29:48
Dagit... we've been snookered.

But you know somewhere a group of fundies are saying to themselves, "This is a great idea!"
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-02-07 10:58:53
It may be a parody, in the sense that the bill is meant to be absurd and promote discussion, not intended for actual passage. But it is a real bill, going through the actual legal process that would lead to its enactment.

When you say, "it's a parody," it sounds like you're saying that the bill itself doesn't exist, like a bill from The Onion. This bill is real, even if it's not serious.
Not enforceable
Posted by Mitzi on 2007-02-12 21:49:01
This initiative couldn't possibly be enforceable. It would discriminate against infertile couples -- discrimination based on a physical disability. And never mind the senior citizens who might want to marry.
yeah, discrimination!
Posted by wizeGurl on 2007-02-12 23:56:49
Not only that, it would discriminate against gay people who want to marry!

Oh...wait...the law already does that.
Posted by Anonymous on 2007-03-03 15:39:52
seriously our government is a bunch of idiots!!!! Have we not learned anything from our history on discrimination, and racism in this country. I think not!!! POLITICIANS CAN GO TO HELL


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