The Politically Incorrect Alphabet

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A guy in the UK spends his spare time drawing up little pictures for a politically incorrect alphabet. This contains images that might have once graced illustrations of the alphabet, but have since begun to be considered "inappropriate"--like illustrating the letter I with an Indian. (They're Native Americans now, dontcha know?) Hey, remember when "Little Black Sambo" was considered fine literature for kids?

Samples from the politically incorrect alphabet

Because the artist is British, of course, we occasionally have a bit of trouble making the connection. "What's so bad about an eraser?" we think when we look at one for R. (Hint: eraser doesn't begin with an R.) Why, the brits call that a rubber, of course.

What's really astonishing is how many do translate perfectly--like the beaver, cock, and muff. Some ideas are just universal, it seems!

Check out the whole alphabet and more--or even suggest new letter ideas. You could become semi-famous!


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