The Politically Incorrect Alphabet
Posted by wizeGurl
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[Art] [Edumakashun] |
A guy in the UK spends his spare time drawing up little pictures for a politically incorrect alphabet. This contains images that might have once graced illustrations of the alphabet, but have since begun to be considered "inappropriate"--like illustrating the letter I with an Indian. (They're Native Americans now, dontcha know?) Hey, remember when "Little Black Sambo" was considered fine literature for kids? |

Because the artist is British, of course, we occasionally have a bit of trouble making the connection. "What's so bad about an eraser?" we think when we look at one for R. (Hint: eraser doesn't begin with an R.) Why, the brits call that a rubber, of course.
What's really astonishing is how many do translate perfectly--like the beaver, cock, and muff. Some ideas are just universal, it seems! | Check out the whole alphabet and more--or even suggest new letter ideas. You could become semi-famous! | |