Why You Shouldn't Stress On Your Wedding Day

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I'm not going to say much, except, if you ever thought things didn't go well on your wedding day, watch this video...

UPDATE: While entertaining, it turns out this is a hoax.

A video of a bride chopping her hair off during a meltdown an hour before her wedding -- seen by more than 2 million viewers worldwide on YouTube -- is a hoax.

Except that the 22-year-old aspiring actress, whose real name is Jane Scede, really did cut her hair in the video filmed by Toronto-based Ryerson University grad Angina Hoss.


Posted by Anonymous on 2007-01-28 10:48:19
So...this is a cautionary tale or some sort of pre Darwin award propaganda? For those that haven't watched the video it really is painful, though insightful and edifying.
Posted by Stan A on 2007-01-28 14:27:36
I think PMS is a factor in that video. You have to wonder which of the bridesmaids put this on the net (or more likely, their boyfriend).

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