Daughter-Framing Scumbag Gets Life

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[Mean People]
Brad Reay, a South Dakota (Motto: At least we're not West Virginia) man, has been sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole for the brutal stabbing of his estranged wife. At the time of the murder, Reay tried to frame his wife's lover, and then went for the next logical target--his twelve-year-old daughter.

Reay told authorities that on the night of the stabbing, he had awoken to find his daughter standing over his wife in a catatonic state with a knife in her hand. She only awoke from this state, says the future father of the year, after he had cleaned the blood off of her and put her to bed. The daughter, now 13 and certain to grow up with some serious trust issues, testified that she had been afraid of her father and would never have hurt her mother. I hope Mr. Reay enjoys the tender mercies of the prison population once they learn he tried to dump his fate on his kid.



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