How Does a Brain Damaged Child Cross The Road? Heeleys!

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
A New Jersey family is suing the maker of those annoying tennis-shoe-hidden-skate shoes after their 10 year old boy crossed the street in them, slipped and was hit by a car and now has brain damage.

No word if the brain damage was caused by the car, or inherited from his parents.

KIDS were warned to beware of trainers with roller-skate style wheels in the heels after it was revealed a boy suffered brain damage when he slipped in front of a car.

Trendy Heelys shoes — worn by X Factor’s Ray Quinn — have been a must-have Christmas gift.

But their US makers face a multi-million dollar lawsuit after Carlos Procell, 10, rolled back in his as he crossed a road and was hit by a car.

The schoolboy suffered serious head and chest injuries and has been in hospital for a month.

His New Jersey family is suing for compensation, saying the shoes should be fitted with brakes.

Last night Roger Vincent, of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, urged children here to take care.

He said: “Use common sense. Read the instructions and safety tips.

“In the US case, the boy was wearing his Heelys to cross a road. We’d advise against that.”


Posted by riffat on 2007-05-28 22:57:54
i bought heeleys shoes after months of demand from my 8 yrs old son.he saw the commercial on cartoon network.he hurt himself bad the very first time he wore these can get head injuries because the way these shoes are designed ,they tend to fall back on their head.took the shoes back the same not recommend to anyone.these people do not show how dangerous these shoes can be on tv.
Traffic Dangers my 2 cents
Posted by Ari Annis on 2007-06-04 14:18:13
I am a typical cautious "granny driver" but before I knew about heely's existence my first encounter was when a pedestrian on the opposite side of the street decided to cross. It seemed to happen all in one moment...As I was approaching the crosswalk he had just stepped off the curb on the opposite side and he was in front of me before my reaction to his stepping off had a moment to kick in. I managed to slam the breaks on as he scooted by never once pausing. I at first blamed myself for barely missing him. How could I not have seen the pedestrian? But then I realized that this was no ordinary pedestrian it moved to quickly! That is the first day I discovered the "Heely".

Afterward I realized the speed and it's covert nature of this footwear was a contributing factor. If I had seen a kid on roller blades on the opposite side of the street I would of been twice as cautious approaching that crosswalk. But an ordinary pedestrian wouldn't of been able to travel as quickly to my side of the road and my caution bells didn't go off. It is the ability to masquerade as a shoe that seems to be the problem with regard to possible traffic accidents. Driver's make decisions every day based on what they interpert from the clues around them. The problem is you can't tell if a kid is wearing a heely or a ordinary shoe. The front of the shoe is used to step off the curb (suggesting sneacker) and then "whoosh" he/she can be across the street at twice the speed of a traditional pedestrian on the heel.
Fail lawsuit.
Posted by heelys_lover on 2009-07-20 21:10:40
There's no case. The manual even says the back of the shoe and the front of the shoe are the brakes and goes on to explain how to use both of them. The shoes also come with a warning label that once peeled serves as a type of waiver. Heelys are safer and far more convenient than bikes, skateboards or rollerblades.

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