Nuclear blast in North Korea?

Posted by RantMaster (5148 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The whole internet is buzzing with reports of a major blast in North Korea as being a precursor to something much more substantive. By the time you read this, there may be much more info, but speculation is wild.


North Korea threatens to use Nukes on America
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-09-16 05:55:31
WASHIGTON DC; The president has recieved a message from Kim II Sung. The message, recieved at 4am yesterday, stated that North Korea had Nuclear Weapons and will use them against America, if they do not agree to the Kyoto Protocal for GLobal warming.

The sudden change in thought for Kim II Sung was suprising, though it was expected, phsycoligist Jim Grahem of the Harved Phsycological Department tells CNN.

IF the USA doesn't meet the Kayoto Protacol, North Korea will use Weapons of Mass destruction on the following cities; Washington DC, New York, Los Angles and Yakatat.

Reporter Mike Holland, CNN



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