Sgt. FreebieStore.Com Gets Shut Down

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A U.S. Marine Sargeant was ordered to put a stop to an online auction which would have allowed the winner to pick the name the young Marine would legally assume. Sgt. Cody Baker might have become Sgt. Finest Freshest Fastest or Sgt. Mr. Clean although the winning bidder at the time the auction ended was with a bid of 30,000.01. Apparently the Dept. of Defense was not amused (is anyone surprised?).

The auction, which Sgt. Baker claimed was to pay for college, support his wife and infant, and help an orphanage in Thailand ("God Bless You, Finest Freshest Fastest!") was evidently in violation of military rules barring commercial endorsement (although presumably an individual could've won and called him Sgt. Whiskers or Sgt. Major Pain without breaking any rules). Baker started the auction on his personal website and notified potential name-changers with a personal note of the auctions end.





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