The Most Ironic eBay Auction?

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[Bad Parents]
The description says, "I am donating 20% of the total final auction price to the CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FOUNDATION. I am strongly against physical child abuse but temporary emotional damage is a-ok with me."

"The look on their face when they see their dream toy followed by their crushed faces when they find out there was NOTHING in them and the HORRIFIED face of my wife while i laugh hysterically had beaten ANY christmas present i'd ever gotten."

This auction is for an EMPTY Nintendo Wii Box. just the empty box that the Wii came in. You are probably asking yourself why i'm selling an empty wii box and think im trying to scam people but here is the real reason why: I have kids that have been real bad that last couple of years, especially during Christmas time. They would yell and scream and whine every single day for some expensive present that i absolutely refuse to buy but they eventually get because their mom buys it for them. All those years i've had the idea of just buying the box of the toy but have nothing in them and giving it to my kids. Well, last Christmas, that was what i did. They had desperately wanted a nintendo GAMECUBE that i refused. They'd been misbehaving throughout the year and i was not going to give in to their demands. But, I was smarter this year. I knew my wife was going to get it for them since they were getting to be pretty cheap so i pretended to give in. I bought an actual brand new Gamecube and showed it to my wife so she wouldnt go out and buy another one. She was happy! The next day i opened it up and took out the actual system and cables and everything and donated it to the children's shelter. Put some rocks to weigh down the empty box and wrapped it neatly in wrapping paper and stuck it under the tree. My wife was so proud of me. Christmas day came and my kids were so excited, like they somehow knew they were gonna get the Gamecube. The unwrapped my present frantically. The look on their face when they see their dream toy followed by their crushed faces when they find out there was NOTHING in them and the HORRIFIED face of my wife while i laugh hysterically had beaten ANY christmas present i'd ever gotten. They cried and cried while hugging the walls like they were being tortured. Imagine that N64 kid on youtube, then imagine Jesus in Passion of the Christ. Now guess what? my kids actually have been pretty well behaved this year so i ended up getting them an early christmas present, the Nintendo Wii.

I could not get off my mind, however, they countless parents in the U.S. that have bratty whiny little kids this year that would love to see them crushed in the heart as they find out their present is empty. Now it's time to pass the torch. What an ultimate lesson this would be to teach your kids to behave. I guarantee they will learn from this and be a whole lot better next year.

So that is why im selling my Nintendo Wii box. Instead of having to buy the actual system and get rid of the console, you can just buy the box this time from me. Buy this item, go home and show your wife that you've already gotten them their present. You can even let an "accidental" slip of the box to your kids while your wrapping it. Then on Christmas day, be ready to see the greatest emotional wonder in the world!

PLEASE READ THIS: I am donating 20% of the total final auction price to the CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION FOUNDATION. I am strongly against physical child abuse but temporary emotional damage is a-ok with me.

I will even provide a BAG O' ROCKS if you want so you can weigh the box down so it feels like theres something inside for an additional fee.

Here is even some system specs you can print out and show your kids before they open it. let them oo and aah over them:

Nintendo's Wii video game system (pronounced "we") is designed to attract people, regardless of their age or video game experience, to sit down and play together--whether they're in the same room or on different sides of the globe. The system's name reflects this simple idea. It's easily pronounced in a variety of languages, and the distinctive spelling suggests two players side by side. The two Wii features Nintendo thinks will create new levels of gaming community are built-in Wi-Fi access, supported by a new online gaming service, and Wii's intuitive, wireless, motion-sensitive game controller.



Mr. Big Volume
Posted by This is awesome on 2006-12-10 20:38:36
This is what being a parent is about. If more parents acted responsibly and not cave into every whim their brat has, we'd have a lot less brats running around. Good for him!!!!
online auctions
Posted by George on 2006-12-24 17:05:08
Would you sell it to me through reverse auction site ?

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