I'm Dreaming of a Porn Christmas
Posted by ueberbill
(18480 views) [E-Mail link]

Florida, the state that should probably just go ahead and drop into the Gulf already, is the site of yet another legal battle--this time over Pornaments, adult-themed Christmas ornaments. Despite having a hilarious name (and causing me to fall all over myself trying to figure out which Christmas carol to use in the title--Oh Come, Oh Come, Emanuel?), there are adults, religious groups, and lawyers (natch) gearing up to protest the allegedly offensive product. |
| The ornaments, which portray various Christmas characters in "sexually risque" positions, have sold out in other outlets throughout the United States (probably not so much in Utah). Florida law prohibits displaying material which is "harmful" to minors although store officials say that the stores in question target 18- to 25-year-olds and have few under-age customers. A youth group from a local church is protesting outside one store, saying "we want to save our generation from Pornaments." So with the war in Iraq, nuclear arms races, degrading environmental quality, and decreasing quality of life it's PORNAMENTS that the next generation needs saving from?! Whew. | Details | |