Jerusalem Going To Be Slightly Less Fabulous

Posted by ueberbill (9236 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A gay pride parade in Jerusalem was cancelled after protests, scuffles with police, and security concerns. The parade drew protests from Jews (original recipe and ultra-Orthodox), Christians, AND Muslims. That's quite a difficult gay row to hoe. Muslims believe homosexuality is a crime, and Islamic groups have demanded that police punish those involved in the parade. Evangelical Christian groups in Jerusalem, though probably disturbed to find themselves in agreement with Muslims, demanded that the public venue be changed.

Police were going to have to post 9,000 officers to protect the marchers. Although many Israeli cities have thriving gay scenes and the Israeli military is barred from discriminating against gays (unless you're a gay Muslim--then look out!), the opposition and security concerns forced the change from a parade to an indoor rally.



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