Iraqis To Agree To Agree On A Timeline Sometime in the Future

Posted by ueberbill (5769 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

In a press conference that was interrupted by a power outage in Baghdad yesterday, the top U.S. Commander in Iraq, Gen. George "George" Casey, and Ambassador Khalilzad set forth a bold plan for coming up with a bold plan maybe by the end of the year. In addition, the Iraqi forces might take complete control of all of Iraq in 12-18 months with some level of support from U.S. forces. So they will run everything except for the stuff that we still run--got that?

While failing to offer any benchmarks for success, Khalilzad said that the Iraqi government will develop a timeline for success by the end of the year. (I think the best timeline for success would actually go BACKWARDS to sometime in early 2003.) Gen. Casey says he's going to focus on reducing troop levels in Iraq, eventually, unless he needs more troops, in which case he will ask for them.



Cake and eat it too...
Posted by Joe Bleaux on 2006-10-31 12:03:50
The reason that our leaders are forced to talk like this are clear. Anything they say will be disected and used against them for political purposes - guaranteed. Besides, anyone who has any knowledge of history knows that there are no definites in war. As soon as you make a plan it gets modified. What would you have them do? Give our enemy in Iraq a definitive that they can work against? Would you hand them the means to expell our troops before the job of securing the country is completed? You really should think about these things before you blindly attack the administration for being smart enough not to hand our enemy or their political adversaries the ammunition they desire. I love the mindless political types who will declare what an idiot Bush is one minute and then turn around in the next to proclaim that he's behind some complex plot to drive up the price of oil or control the people. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Sorry
Posted by ueberbill on 2006-11-01 13:19:30
Appreciate your comment- there's no reason to be sorry :). My main issue is that it's just not news. I recognize the complexity of war and I know that circumstances change in something as incredibly complex as a 3-way civil war with a 4th party holding your capital, but what came out of that press conference was pretty much nothing. They could have said it's hot here today and my understanding of the future of Iraq would have been the same. And I don't think Bush is anywhere NEAR smart enough to be behind any complex plot, unless it's how to get more grilled cheese sandwiches.


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