Stop "Stop Snitching"

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[Mean People]
The rise of a "stop snitching" movement by gangbangers has led to the harassment, terrorizing, and murder of innocent civilians across the country. Edna McAbier, a neighborhood activist from Baltimore, was almost killed when her house was firebombed after snitching on drug dealers in her neighborhood. She now lives under a false name working from home "in a distant town she doesn't dare to name full of people she doesn't dare to know." A 14-year-old Washington girl was killed when police showed up at her house asking about a murder. A 35-year-old man ordered his daughter to testify in front of a judge that she did NOT know anything about a murder case and now faces persecution.

Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham says "there is a significant number of cases where a crime is committed in front of everybody, and nobody knows anything." And the examples keep on coming. Chicago police can't solve more than half of their murder cases because no witnesses come forward or they do and then later recant their testimony. People wearing "Stop Snitching" t-shirts have disrupted trials in Pittsburgh and the mayor of Boston almost had all of the shirts removed from shelves. This is a chronic problem that gets worse the more times someone (or even an entire neighborhood) is frightened into silence.





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