How Much Is That Mummy In The Window?

Posted by ueberbill (8755 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

An eBay auction for the mummified remains of what appears to authorities to be a child was shut down recently and efforts are underway to determine just whose mummy this might be. Selling mummified human remains is against eBay's policies (and gross), although the bid got up to $500 bucks (from an eBayer by the monicker of "Satan's Child," no less) before Port Huron, MI authorities and the eBay staff were notified.

Lynn Sterling, the thwarted owner of said mummy, says she got the thing from a friend who found it as part of a demolition crew for a Detroit school almost 30 years ago, and swears the item was to be used for anatomy lessons, or something. Authorities believe it was part of an anatomical studies cadaver that somehow made it into the general population. I think investigations into the corporal punishment techniques of said school are warranted, however.



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