Amish School Shooting

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[Mean People]
A lone gunman walked into a one-room schoolhouse and opened fire, killing four outright (a fifth and sixth have died since) and seriously injuring more, before he turned the gun on himself. This makes THREE deadly shootings in a WEEK.

Reports are still sketchy and there is no motive or ID yet, but this one doesn't make any sense (not that they ever do). Definitely keep an eye out for why this might have happened in such a peaceful community.
Apparently the shooter, one Charles Carl Roberts IV, had performed some kind of molestation in his past and longed to do so again. The twenty year old acts are alluded to in the suicide note, one of four he wrote, he left to his wife (the other were to each of his three children). He also wrote of his hatred toward God for the death of the couple's newborn in 1997. He had with him lubricant and flex ties although it is unclear if he acted on his desires before the tragic conclusion of the seige. Roberts was not Amish and evidently had specifically planned to target young girls.

Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/03 12:54
Modified by ueberbill on 2006/10/03 13:52




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