BSA's Favorite YouTube Videos - V 1.0

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There's a lot of crap on YouTube, but in between the pouty girls and the madison avenue astroturfing, lies a treasure trove of great indy filmmaking and super talented people.. check these out.

First up, Chad Vader:

28-Day Slater:

Be sure to bookmark this page 'cause you're going to go offroad on the net after you watch these... and you don't want to miss everything we've prepared for you...

More goodies:
Star Trek Vs Batman - Fans make a homage to two classics
He-Bro - Just plain uber-weird
Last Dance with Mary Jane - You can play guitar. What if you don't have arms?
Bro-Rape - You didn't realize it was the epidemic that it is.
The Who - Vintage performance from the 1960s. It's rumored that this performance was so good the Stones'shelved the film for 20 years because they just couldn't match up to The Who's stage presence.
Shut Me Up - Every check-out-clerk's fantasy come to life in a music video
Tutti Frutti Summer Love - Meet Gunther, the Swiss guy who makes David Hasselhoff look like Mozart
Monkey Dust - Diary of Anne Frank - Just like the Beatles, the English show us how it's done in this series that brilliantly parodies hollywood's handling of world history.
Japanese potty training - Too weird to be fake
Look Around You: Maths - Things can't be all entertainment. We need some serious educational material right?
George Washington - This is what happens when you let white boys rap - be warned.
Male Restroom Etiquette - "With the cross-pollination of global cultures, this esteemed social contract of proper mensroom etiquette is not universally embraced, hence this short film."
Women Know Your Limits!
Heavenly - A "special" film completely written, produced and acted by "special" people.


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