Apple Seeks To Trademark Podcast, or PodANYTHING

Posted by Pile (10054 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

When Terry Wilson filed for trademark protection for her "Tightpod" laptop protectors, she received a cease-and-desist order. The order from Apple reads in part: "The Tightpod mark will inevitably cause consumer confusion as to the source of the products, and dilute Apple's famous iPod mark."

She's not the only one.

Apple Computer has slapped Podcast Ready with a "cease and desist" letter, claiming that the terms "Podcast Ready" and "myPodder" infringe Apple's trademarks, and that they cause confusion among consumers. The company has been cracking down on use of the word "pod" by all sorts of parties, even though its trademark is for the word "iPod."

Apple has applied to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to register the word "pod" as a trademark, in addition to the proper noun "iPod," which it already owns.

Another victim said, Apple recently learned that Mach 5 Products filed an ITU trademark application for PROFIT POD (Serial No. 76/589,480), on April 30, 2004, for "infrared data transmission and collection system, namely an infrared data transmission and collection system for amusement games... Apple responded with "We believe there is confusing similarity between Apple's IPOD mark and the PROFIT POD mark. PROFIT POD is a POD-formative mark and incorporates a substantial portion of Apple's IPOD mark. The products are likewise related….We believe there is confusing similarity between Apple's IPOD mark and the PROFIT POD mark. PROFIT POD is a POD-formative mark and incorporates a substantial portion of Apple's IPOD mark." Unfortunately the product in question really has absolutely nothing to do with Apple products.

I wonder if iSue(tm) is taken?



King of Lichtenstein
Posted by Bertogordo on 2006-09-25 20:07:07
No worries. I just trademarked the letter "A" so _A_pple owes me mucho dinero.
Apple - they can go *%*& themselves
Posted by Kevin on 2006-09-26 18:34:28
Its time big corporations stop putting down the little guy with big ideas, this is how we got to where we are in the first place! Should this even be legal for big companies to bully inventors? I think we as small inventors should have rights OVER the big corporations and the full and all out chance to get our ideas and products out as long as they are original. Apple is as bad as Microsnot these days!


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