Lawyers Make Out Like Bandits In Google Clickfraud Settlement

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An Arkansas judge on Thursday approved a $90 million settlement between Google and its advertisers who claimed the leading Internet search company improperly billed them for fraudulent "clicks" on their ads.

"Victims" of the fraud get "credits"; the lawyers walk away with $30,000,000.00.

Miller County Circuit Judge Joe Griffin called the settlement "fair, reasonable and adequate" and downplayed claims it hurt small advertisers. More than 70 objections were filed, with smaller companies saying they didn't have the resources to prove "click fraud" losses.

By settling claims made in the plaintiffs' class-action lawsuit, Google will give advertising credits that are the equivalent of a $4.50 refund on every $1,000 spent in its advertising network during the past 4 1/4 years.

No one will receive cash except the lawyers, who will split $30 million.



ROI Tracker & visitor analysis - for your website
Posted by Mike Baker on 2006-08-06 15:15:40
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if you are looking for more information on adwatcher or clicktracks i recommend you take a look at: they have full reviews on both clicktracks and adwatcher!

mike baker

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