Red Cross Donors' Security Compromised; Claims No Big Deal

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Darren Irby, spokesman for the national American Red Cross says, "We haven't viewed this as a security breach at this point."

What would you call it when a laptop containing personal information from thousands of blood donors - including Social Security numbers, sexual and disease history and medical information - was stolen from a local office of the American Red Cross? Sounds like a security breach to me.

The laptop was one of three stolen from a locked closet in the Farmers Branch office of the American Red Cross in May, but the two others did not contain the personal information. There was no sign of forced entry, said Red Cross spokeswoman Audrey Lundy.

Local officials alerted police and national Red Cross offices, Lundy said. Donors were not notified about the missing information, and the Red Cross had no legal obligation to do so.

The laptops disappeared on two separate occasions in May, according to police reports. They could have been gone as long as a week before being reported missing.





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