United Airlines Running Government Propaganda In Flight

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United Airlines has begun showing an in-flight video about military glamor jobs that was produced and funded by the Department of Defense--a fact passengers do not learn from watching it.

Sandwiched between NBC sitcoms and Discovery Channel previews, "Today's Military," as the 13-minute program is called, highlights five jobs that few members of the armed forces could point to as their own.

It shows only one soldier beyond U.S. borders, who's "doing humanitarian work in Thailand" -- a remarkable focus at a time of war. The Defense Department paid United $36,000 to run the video for one month.

David Stempler, president of the Air Travelers Association, a passenger advocacy group, said he's not surprised to hear about United showing the new video.

"As the airlines continue to lose money, they continue to look for ways to build revenue, and then they sell their screens to the U.S. military," he said.



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