Campaign Photo Replaces New Orleans with Disneyland

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New Orleans mayoral candidate Kimberly Williamson Butler is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed--or the most honest. Her campaign website featured a lovely header with a photo of Butler smiling in front of a charming French Quarter scene. The only problem was the large Disney trash can on the street, revealing that Butler was smiling in front of Disneyland's New Orleans Square, not the real New Orleans.

Once the news of the fake New Orleans photo hit the internet, did Butler run out and get a photo of the real New Orleans for her website? Nah. Instead, her staff just Photoshopped out the garbage can. Hey, who has time in a busy mayoral campaign to take pictures in the real location?

This isn't the first time Butler has been the source of some controversy. You see, as the
Clerk of the Criminal Court in Orleans Parish, Butler's job involves supervising supervising elections in the city of New Orleans.

And back in early March, she ran into a spot of trouble with a district court judge over her office's handling of FEMA fund applications. The judge ordered Ms. Butler to be held on a contempt charge, but instead of surrendering herself, she went on the run from the law. For 8 days, she moved from place to place, dodging warrants and calling in to radio talk shows to present her side of the story to the only court that seemed to matter to her--the court of public opinion. (Remember, her elected position is to supervise the criminal court for New Orleans, so you'd think she might have a tiny bit more respect for the court system.)

When she finally surrendered to authorities, she spent three days in Orleans Parish Prison (the very correctional facility that her office oversees). Upon her release, Ms. Butler announced that her incarceration had profoundly changed her. Her experience, so like those of Ghandi and Nelson Mandela (except for the part where they were pushing for reforms and helping people), gave her a real glimpse into the lives of the common people...ones who had been accused of incompetence, or arrested and thrown in jail. With this inspiration, she decided to run for mayor, along with the other 23 candidates.

So now, she's supervising the election she's running in, refusing to resign her position to focus on the mayoral race. She feels that she's completely within her rights to hold one elected office while seeking another, and also perfectly capable of running the Criminal Court's office while running for mayor in her copious spare time. (Hmm, maybe there's a clue as to why those FEMA funds never got applied for.)

The latest twist in this comedy of errors? After making an appearance in every blog in the country, the Elect Kimberly campaign finally replaced the entire Disneyland photo with a more innocuous background. If only the audacious scandal could be hidden as easily as the Disnified streets of New Orleans Anaheim.


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