Chalmations Looking to Tap Former FEMA Head

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[Beating Dead Horses]
Michael Brown, disgraced, incompetent former director of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, is negotiating a consulting contract with St. Bernard Parish, the area in New Orleans hardest-hit by Hurricane Katrina.

Katrina spawned floodwaters that inundated the low-lying community between New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico for two weeks after its Aug. 29 landfall there. The storm claimed 129 lives and destroyed 26,000 homes in St. Bernard.

Parish leaders expressed confidence in Brown's ability to help them compete more effectively with large communities for federal funding and speed a recovery they say has been mired in bureaucratic red tape.

Rumor has it Brown's first job as consultant will be to tell St. Bernard residents which fast food places suck the least.



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