Will American Gymnast Keep Gold Medal He Didn't Earn?

Posted by Bullwinkle (10017 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

It seems the U.S. Olympic officials have thrown a hissy fit in light of the International Gymnastics Federation writing to Olympian Paul Hamm and requesting he give his gold medal to Korean Yang Tae-young, who was determined to be the winner of the event after an analysis of the scores and the correction of a judging error.

The buzz online seems to be split between arrogance that Hamm can't possibly be at fault, and that other errors were made that weren't corrected, and the notion that an honorable competitor would never accept a medal he didn't earn. Personally, it seems like giving the medal to the superior competitor would not only be the right thing to do, but a great PR move on the part of Hamm. Will he do so? I saw the competition and Hamm's performance was nowhere near as good as others.


Hamm... just that a Ham
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-08-28 10:53:32
IMHO... Paul Hamm is a disgrace.... and anti-american. By not doing the sportsmanlike truly American thing, giving up the gold, he is in fact representing us as the leftist assholes of the world would have us be viewed... elitist Americans. He should be ashamed.

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