Top Monster House Rejected Theme Ideas

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To commemorate the final episode of Monster House, we here at have discovered the lost list of rejected Monster House themes. Check 'em out!

Top Rejected 'Monster House' Themes:

"Crazy Cat Lady House" - Since this woman shares her house with 34 cats, she needs the help of Steve and his team of builders to help make her house multiple-cat-friendly. Highlights include the "Self-Cleaning Litter Box Room" and the "World's Largest Scratching Post."

"S&M House" - A young couple just starting out asks Steve to help them make their sadomasochistic bondage & domination fantasies come true. The team has just 5 days to, among other touches, outfit a basement dungeon with a functioning rack, iron maiden, and Vietnam-style tiger cage. And wait until you see what the decorator does with the place!

"Crack House" - The Monster House team takes on a run-down, deserted building in Detroit and makes it the coolest place in the area to do heroin. A state-of-the-art array of video monitors warns occupants of impending police raids, while the pneumatic tube-driven drug transaction system assures addicts get their crack in a timely manner. The team saves money using a kiddie pool instead of a Cal-Spa hot tub and the junkies don't know the difference. Watch the hilarity when addicts stare into specially-designed mirrors installed by set decorator Tara Stephenson that make them think their face is melting.

"FEMA House" - Steve assembles a team of illegal Central American builders to renovate a flooded house in New Orleans. Since it's impossible to get any building permits a full 6 months after Katrina, the team pretty much spends its time trolling the French Quarter looking for women. Meanwhile, the homeowners enjoy the show's Fleetwood trailer, which is twice the size of the FEMA trailers.

"Fundamentalist House" - Steve and his crew of contractors assembled from area halfway houses revamp a Baptist preacher's house, complete with life-sized crucifix, barn with a manger, plumbing fixtures that dispense wine, and a large "last supper table."

"Contractor House" - Originally slated as a season finale, this randomly-themed project would have a unique twist at the end, where it would be revealed that the contractors themselves would have to live in the house upon completion. Discovery's legal counsel nixed the idea when it was discovered the network would be liable for substantive pain and suffering damages from subjecting the contractors to having to live in the horribly-built hell-hole they created.

"Homeless House" - Steve and his team of builders finally decide to help out a homeless man by renovating his cardboard box dwelling. They add on a second-box extension, and put a pool in the back yard. (Since his box is in an alley, it's a small one, but it's the thought that counts!) And of course, he gets the obligatory big-screen TV as well, though they have to make a cut open the side of the box to make it fit.

"Computer Gamer House" - Rich Milson of Boca Raton, FL loves to play computer games. He's 30 and still lives with his parents. His last chance of being kicked out into the street by a frustrated mom and dad rests with Steve and his twitch-happy crew who promise to make over the Milson home so that the parents do not appear to be related to their loser son, who spends 80 hours a week playing World of Warcraft. The crew first divides the house into a duplex, then constructs a giant combo computer console with integrated toilet, microwave and fridge.

"Lower Property Values House" - When a couple gets into a massive feud with their neighbors, Steve and the gang help construct the sweet taste of revenge. Watch as they paint the house in clashing, hideous colors, design a 3-D chimney in sculped foam that looks like a hand giving the finger, and put up a 12-foot privacy fence for nude sunbathing with peepholes to spur whacky and hilarious fights when wives catch their husbands peeking.

Read about the real Monster House.


Posted by bob the builder on 2008-07-16 12:33:49
I liked monster house it was all I watched when i had my knee in a cast thank you for being there when i was hurt sorry that you went off the air

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