New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Commemorative T-Shirts

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The T-shirt shops on Bourbon Street and elsewhere are gearing up to exploit the destruction of the city. Check out some of the designs...


no comment
Posted by pissreed off on 2006-02-06 16:11:31
this is the most inconsiderate thing i have ever sdeen. whoever cae up with that design should be in jail. there are people kiling themselves over there and they're ttrying ot make a profit off of it!
Hold on
Posted by Gonzo13 on 2006-02-10 10:30:12
Your not from New Orleans, You probly have not been to New Orleans before or aftrer the Storms, so you have no idea what your talking about. The GOV. local state and federal f*cked this city over in a big way. Whoever made this design should get an award for saying what needs to be said "The Government Droped the Ball" on this one.

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