Texas Gubenatorial Candidate Showcases Aborted Fetus On HomePage

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Texas Republican candidate for Governor, songwriter, rancher, secret agent, Star Locke has some rather radical ideas for his state and the country: 100% tax on violent video games and toys, and a $10,000 charge per aborted fetus, take away money from schools and use it to take control of the Alcohol and Beverage Commission, and force all schools to serve high protein meals. He even has a program to save taxpayer dollars, whereupon anyone who comes up with an idea to save taxpayer dollars, gets 75% of those save dollars and the other 25% go back to the government. Huh?

Oh yea, there's also that bit on the web site about how he was hired by the government to assassinate Fidel Castro.

Sick, sick, Texan


What an idiot
Posted by wizeGurl on 2006-01-27 14:00:05
Forget whether or not you agree with some of his goals--his suggestions for achieving them are just ludicrous, especially because they WON'T WORK or make no sense. Check out his page; he wants to eliminate all taxes on private property in Texas. Then he has suggestions for schools. Guess what--there won't BE any schools, because property taxes are what pay for public schools.

And that $10,000 fee for abortions? What would that do but ensure that only rich people's daughters could have them? If you're against abortion, I'm pretty sure you're against them for rich people, too.

And I particularly like the 50% sales tax on "any beverage sold to humans to be consumed by humans that contains added glucose, fructose, sucrose to the beverage for sale to humans."

Let's parse that: first, why specify selling the beverage to humans? Who else buys things? Has your dog EVER sprung for his own steak? Why repeat "sold to humans" again at the end of the sentence with "for sale to humans"? Last time I checked, they pretty much mean the same thing. And finally, where's the logic? If you tax artificially sweetened beverages, you can bet that people will create new beverages. You can concentrate fruit juice and get a Coke-sweet beverage without adding sugar. Heck, you can sweeten your sugar bomb drink with maltose, or lactose, or some other sugar he failed to specify.

If you want to vote for someone with wild ideas in Texas, try Kinky Friedman.
Posted by BobRoberts on 2006-01-29 11:05:22
What gets me is the tax on items that will inflict harm on other people. This includes guns. He seems like a classic gun-totin' military man. So what's up with that? This guy is mental.


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