Microsoft To Spend Small Fortune To Appear Small
Posted by Pile
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Microsoft Corp., the world's biggest software maker, will spend $120 million a year on an advertising campaign to fight its image as "a huge American company." What size would you consider a company that employs 63,000 and whose CEO is the richest human on the planet?
In a related story, I will be spending no money to fight my image of being small. Although I won't stoop so low as to not suggest you people patronize the advertisers here so I can buy a pack of gum. |
The campaign, using television, print and the Internet, highlights Microsoft's education and economic development projects in 32 countries, including France and Taiwan, according to group advertising manager Mike Lucero. Actor William Macy of the movie "Fargo" narrates the ads.
"We are often perceived as a huge American company," Lucero said Friday in an interview. | Details | |