British Woman Weds Israeli Dolphin

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Speaking of animal lovers, a British woman on vacation at an Israeli resort met a handsome dolphin named Cindy. (Yes, the dolphin does appear to be male despite the name.) Naturally, it was love at first sight. And as we all know, love leads inevitably to marriage. After 15 years of making regular trips to visit her aquatic mammalian squeeze, she finally made an honest dolphin of him.

In a modest ceremony at Dolphin Reef in a southern Israeli port, Sharon Tendler, a 41-year-old British citizen, apparently became the world's first person to marry a dolphin. Dressed in a white dress, a veil, and pink flowers in her hair, Tendler got down on one knee on the dock and gave Cindy a kiss. And a piece of herring.

"It's not a perverted thing. I do love this dolphin. He's the love of my life," she said Saturday, upon her return to London.

Tendler, who said she imports clothes and promotes rock bands in England, has visited Israel several times a year since first meeting the dolphin.

When asked in the past if she had a boyfriend, she would always reply, "No. I'm going to end up with Cindy." On Wednesday, she made it official, sort of. While she acknowledged the "wedding" had no legal bearing she did say it reflected her deep feelings toward the bottlenosed, 35-year-old object of her affection.

"It's not a bad thing. It just something that we did because I love him, but not in the way that you love a man. It's just a pure love that I have for this animal," she said.

The happy bride was tossed into the water by the bridal party to swim with her new spouse. Since they have an "open relationship," she may legally marry a human at some point, but for now she's only got eyes for Cindy. She hopes, though, that Cindy will father many baby dolphins during their marriage. "The more dolphins the better."

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