Fun for the Other Girls

Posted by wizeGurl (11379 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

So you say your little girl is a bit...different. She doesn't want a Barbie for Christmas, not even for the purpose of torturing and mutilating it like all the other little girls. She seems to have...other interests.

At last there's a doll for her!

That's right, at, you can order your very own little lesbian action figure--basically a Barbie for the sapphic set. You can choose among three basic outfits--western, rockabilly, and truck driver--but every doll comes complete with its own tiny vibrator, dildo, and strap-on! At last, there's a way for lesbians to actually enjoy their dolls!

Seriously, though, I have to commend their website for some awesome design. Men and women alike should enjoy the entrance screen, and their logo says who they are like few I've ever seen.

Check 'em out!


whats the point
Posted by concerned dude on 2005-12-22 13:31:20
first off a doll is a doll i dont care how cool you make it look. if a kid doesnt want a doll to play with that probably means that the kid is smart enough to know that there really isnt much you can do with a plastic figure besides talk to yourself while you pretend that actually playing with it is fun. so a goth/biker chick/fuluptious doll probably wont do as good as you people thought. the only type of customers you may get for this will probably be some zit faced hormone driven teenager who happens to be a loner and will probably pretend that him and the doll are to be enganged. just another ingredient to screw our sick world up even more. ha that was fun.
It's so true.
Posted by Zit Faced Hormone Driven Teenager on 2005-12-22 19:38:58
Concerned dude, it's so true. It's so true.
Posted by oldgeek on 2005-12-24 11:12:07
I'm waiting for the full-sized version. The gift for the gal that thinks she has everything.
Full-sized version
Posted by wizeGurl on 2005-12-24 12:03:31
They've already got that; they're called Real Dolls. They are not cheap.

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