New Orleans: Two Years After Hurricane Katrina

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It's now been two years since the destruction of New Orleans caused by defective flood protection built by the US Army Corps of Engineers following Hurricane Katrina. Check out the video of the "progress."

As some of you know, New Orleans is the home of BSAlert. Stay tuned... This week we're assembling a team of professional photographers and we'll be driving throughout the city taking pictures and will post them before the end of the week. We've opted to do this after the 2-year anniversary because, well, we don't want to think the only time we can call national attention to this problem is on a particular anniversary day.

We, the undersigned, urge the United States Senate to pass Senator Dodd's Gulf Coast Recovery Bill of 2007 (S1668) to assist the Gulf Coast region in rebuilding the infrastructure lost after the Katrina and Rita disasters.

Passage of this bill is an important step towards returning the Gulf Coast residents to their homes.

Sign the petition


Please pass this bill, these people need our help!
Posted by Velvet Hawthorne on 2007-09-12 19:18:24
Two years is too long!!!!

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