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Household Cleaning Products You Might Want To Avoid Using

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Nothing like mopping your floors, scrubbing your counters and cleaning your shower with hazardous waste. That’s essentially what you’re doing if you use many name-brand household cleaners to get your home spic-and-span. But you eco-conscious clean freaks probably already knew that.

If you’re concerned about your health and helping the environment, your toxic household cleaners were likely the first to go. And for good reason. The household cleaning industry is largely unregulated and companies aren’t required to include ingredient lists for cleaning products, like they are for food, drugs and personal care products.

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Study Shows GM Corn Linked To Organ Failure

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In a study released by the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, researchers found that agricultural giant Monsanto's GM corn is linked to organ damage in rats. It is suggested that almost all corn in America is Genetically-modified, and almost all processed food products may contain GM corn.

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Fish You Should Not Eat

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Did you know that the "catfish" on that plate you're eating is not legally defined as a "catfish" by the US Federal government and is therefor exempt from certain regulations restricting the use of drugs and antibiotics?

But that may be just the tip of the fin...

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Seven Dumb Things About The World's Smartest Toilet

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[Diamond Studded Toenail Clippers]
What happens when Kohler makes a $6,400 toilet? Someone has to make fun of it...

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Evidence Mounts On Danger of Glyphosate Pesticides

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A recent report put together by various professors, scholars and researchers affiliated with Earth Open Source, a collaboration group devoted to food issues, cites in great detail the multitude of peer-reviewed scientific studies which show that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), which is applied to many genetically-modified (GM) crops, is responsible for causing birth defects, endocrine disruption, DNA damage, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and cancer -- and yet government agencies around the world continue to ignore this crucial information, and withhold it from the public, as they push for its approval or expanded use.

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World Health Organization: Cell Phones Likely Cause Cancer

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Radiation from cell phones can possibly cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same "carcinogenic hazard" category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.

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Tilapia: True "Chicken Of The Sea"

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Americans ate 475 million pounds of tilapia last year, four times the amount a decade ago, making this once obscure African native the most popular farmed fish in the United States. Unfortunately, it's not like other fish, nor does it offer the same health benefits commonly associated with eating fish...

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A Look At Chernobyl Reveals Impending Fukushima Disaster Scope

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Prominent Australian physician, author and nuclear expert Dr. Helen Caldicott reveals the details on what happened in the Chernobyl disaster in Russia; why Fukushima in Japan is "several orders of magnitude worse" and what this means in terms of lives and what the media is not telling you about how radiation affects peoples' health. No matter where you are in the world, you should watch this video to understand the implications of the nuclear disaster in Japan because it indeed will affect all of the Earth...

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French Court Rounds Up Monsanto Lies

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France's highest court has ruled that US agrochemical giant Monsanto had not told the truth about the safety of its best-selling weed-killer, Roundup.

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Just How Bad Is The Deepwater Horizon Disaster?

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It goes without saying that most people no longer believe what British Petroleum is saying publicly about the amount of oil leaking into the Gulf and the condition of the well structure. The reality is much more frightening... In a few crevices in Cyberspace, experts in the industry are whispering what they think is really going on...

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