Lawyer claims to own the sun and wants to charge for its energy

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In an effort to expose people like Dennis Hope of the "Lunar Embassy" who apparently has been selling people parcels of moon real estate, Scotsman Virgiliu Pop has upped the ante, claiming ownership of the sun. In February 2001, Mr. Nemitz sent NASA an invoice for the parking/storage fee for the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft, that landed on 'his' property.


Own the sun!?!?!?
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-08-15 00:54:53
OK, that has to be the BIGGEST jackass to ever make up some stupid bullcrap like that. I mean, come on, the sun is like a billion years old, and why would he want to own a piece of the sun. And anyways, why would he want to own something that he can't even look at or it'll burn his frickin' eyes out. But that's just my opinion.

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