Symantec: Our Software Screwed Up Your PC? Here's Another Copy!

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One month after tens of thousands of PCs in China were disabled by a bug in its Norton antivirus software, Symantec has offered to compensate the owners. However, the compensation – more copies of the software that caused the problem – has sparked outrage.

Imagine that.

At this point, even if you reject the local Geek Squad's invitation to watch the Star Wars Trilogy at their parents' house, they still wouldn't recommend using Symantec security products.

Symantec yesterday offered affected users a free year of antivirus protection from Norton AntiVirus – the same program that removed critical system files and left their PCs unable to boot up in May, local press reports say.

The response to the compensation offer on Chinese online forums today has mostly been one of incredulity and anger.

“They call this compensation! Who will compensate us for our other losses?”, wrote one angry poster on leading news portal,

“This is hard to accept. Loads of companies have lost all their data, who is going to compensate them for this?” asked another

As well as the antivirus software, the compensation deal includes a backup program, Norton Save & Restore 2.0. Some users who lost data had been criticized for failing to keep backup copies.

The special website set up by Symantec China to handle compensation claims is currently unavailable, although reporters in China apparently were able to access it earlier.


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