Where Do Your Cookies Go?

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There's a lot of talk about government waste, how much taxes Americans pay, and where it goes. The problem is our political leaders aren't particularly keen on letting the public know the details of how our tax dollars are spent. Here at BSA, we've compiled a few informative videos on the issue, including an ABC report on the Pentagon losing $2.3 Trillion dollars, Ben Cohen from Ben & Jerry's discussing how tax dollars are spent in a more consumer-friendly metaphor: Oreo cookies, and an amazing web site that seeks to visualize the disbursement of government money to thousands of departments.

For example, do you know that government spending in 2007 will increase the amount spent on missile defense by more than 10%, but spending on cancer research will decrease? Ask yourself: How many people do you know who have been killed by a missile, verses how many who have been killed by cancer?

Ben of Ben & Jerry's Explains Government Spending In Ways The Average Person Can Understand:

ABC News Report On Military Money Mismagement:

The Budget Graph - Check out this huge, amazing visual representation of how your tax dollars are spent and to which areas of the government.


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