How Does Your State Match Up On Voting Tech and Security?

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Two years after the controversy-plagued 2004 elections, four years after HAVA (the Help America Vote Act) was passed, and six years after the Supreme Court and America romanced the hanging chad, experts are bracing for yet another wave of challenges to regional vote-counting systems.

One-third of us will use voting machines that have never before served in a general election. Legal challenges to paperless DRE (direct-recording electronic) voting technologies are proliferating across the country, and as computer scientists demonstrated earlier this year, hacking challenges to many of these machines can bear fruit even faster than demands for recounts.

Computerworld has put together a comprehensive guide to voting equipment, laws and online resources on a state-by-state basis. See how your state stands in the big picture. Are you protected from fraud? Does your state require a paper trail of voting? You'd be surprised how many states don't seem to care about this democracy-thing.



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