7-7-7 The Mark of the Wedding Chapel

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Even though it's nine months away, plan now to stay off the roads next year on the first Saturday of July. Unless you want to be bumper-to-bumper with limos, that is.

Why? Because the date will be 07-07-07.

That has the wedding industry spinning like a Vegas slot machine as scores of engaged couples scramble to wed on that triple-lucky day.

I know what you're thinking, I'm going to tag this for stupid people, but I actually think it's kind of clever. It would be a lot harder for the men to forget their anniversary when their wedding date involved such a profoundly boneheaded decision. One less reason to not spend the night in the barn is always a good thing.

In some cases, bookings are preceding engagements: The Strathallan on East Avenue had its evening reception reserved in April by a young woman who didn't yet have a ring — or, technically, a proposal — from her boyfriend, then a soldier in Iraq.

"July 7 is their first-date anniversary, so she booked it for that," explains Marie Wendover, the Strathallan's weddings co-coordinator. "Now he's home, he knows it's their wedding reception site, and yes, he does know there's a step yet to be taken."

This didn't strike her as odd, she says; she has a cousin in Buffalo so determined to have an 07-07-07 wedding she booked her reception hall two years ago.



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