Pakistan Bans Deadly Sport of Kite-Flying

Posted by wizeGurl (11682 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Pakistan's Supreme Court has extended a ban on making, selling and flying kites that it imposed two months ago after ruling the sport had become increasingly deadly, an official said Saturday.

At an annual kite-flying festival in February, 19 people were killed and over 200 were injured. While the court was hearing the case, police swung batons and lobbed tear gas shells outside the building to disperse about 500 kite-makers and kite-flying enthusiasts who were trying to attend the proceedings.

Most people are hurt when they fall from roofs or are wounded by metal-lined strings, used in kite battles where people try to cut each others' lines.

And you thought Charlie Brown had it bad with his kite.

More kite-flying fun!


Posted by John on 2005-12-21 04:58:24

X-Treme Kombat Kite Flying. I must try it.
Posted by Kanny on 2005-12-21 05:04:33
Batons and tear gas... to disperse the angry mob, and their kites?
best friend
Posted by AnnMarie on 2005-12-27 21:48:34
what is up? best friend
you and haley need to talk
over this whole thing with the
candy bar thingy!!!

Best Friend,

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