Ritual Sacrifice of XBox360 in Front of "Fanboys"

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In response to the throngs of crazed consumers who are compelled to stand in line to be one of the first to purchase Microsoft's new XBox360, a web group collected donations, stood in line, purchased one of the new, limited, sought-after units, and then proceeded to destroy it in front of others.



Posted by john on 2005-11-24 12:36:42

Posted by Rickles on 2005-11-24 12:43:28
What was the point in that?
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-11-24 12:48:45
stupid stupid stupid
Posted by engineer on 2005-11-24 13:09:04
clever clever clever

How else are you going to get enough air circulating to prevent overheating?
XBox Sux
Posted by Mr. Man on 2005-11-24 13:53:36
I'd do it if I had the money to buy one then destroy it. Long live the Revolution!
My Hero
Posted by Dan the Man on 2005-11-24 13:56:23
Whoever did that is my hero.
Program Analyst
Posted by Alphapoint on 2005-11-24 14:12:56
Microsoft is laughing all the way to the bank.
Posted by change name on 2005-11-24 14:49:06
It's just a materialistic gaming device. Who cares?
Response to Alphapoint
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-11-24 18:23:02
They lose about $130 on every system purchased. I'd say they are crying to the loan shark, because you aren't buying their overpriced games.
Posted by cracka whiteboy on 2005-11-26 02:01:12
f*ck all u retards
Posted by xbox destroyer on 2005-11-26 02:02:51
kurts a fatty. f*ck da xbox, f*ck u, f*ck da world
cracka's a dumb@$$
Posted by me vs. cracka on 2005-11-26 13:31:52
what you mean is f*ck bill gates. your mom sat down and there was an earthquake. you should have known as much. your dad's a milkshake.
Best idea EVER
Posted by Clownfood on 2005-11-27 18:20:24
That might be just about the best thing i ever heard. I would SO help those guys flee from the angry mobb! OMG why oh dear WHY didn't anyone videotape? i would have loved to see their faces!

The Xbox is dead (it never lived)
Long live Playstation 3!
Posted by HoBBiT357 on 2005-11-30 18:53:27
Looks like there wont be a problem with the power unit on that one

Just wait for the PS3 if you want a powerfull console without problems and glitches
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-11-30 21:43:29
the xbox ruled ps3, now the 360 will do the same, no need for destroying one
Not Enough
Posted by Seymore on 2005-12-01 21:33:14
You didnt smash it enough...Hell I'ld have it in about 50 pieces...
Posted by Bill Gates on 2005-12-05 20:18:02
AWSUM u guys think of all the stuff and i think of all the money
X box rules ps3 SUCKS
Posted by Big Lou on 2005-12-05 21:17:04
xbox is the best console compared to ps xbox will always arrise victorious
wunt dare
Posted by ryan ov sce on 2005-12-06 06:50:47
if you just bought a brand new xbox 360 you would not smash it up. i mean its like giving a hobo 300 quid for nought its discrasfgull you could have given it to me
Posted by on 2005-12-27 18:13:56
what a NERD!!
Posted by ... on 2006-05-31 15:53:54
lol!!!!! Thats funny,,, I would of love to see that in person... It would have been even better if they bought like 10 and smashed them all...lol
Posted by sacredalchemy on 2006-06-24 22:14:49
well... I wouldn't say this would be the best use of money but... at least this xbox won't have the overheat problem I keep hearing about. (Mine is a generation 2 xbox 360 so it rarely freezes.)
P.S. the Xbox owns the PS3 in every way, shape, and form.
and as for the xbox owning nintendo... well, they're equall.

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