US Turns Away Award-Winning Cuban Medical Scientist

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A Cuban scientist who helped develop a low-cost synthetic vaccine that prevents meningitis and pneumonia in small children says he was offended the U.S. government denied his request to travel to the United States to receive an award.

Verez-Bencomo said the State Department denied him a visa because the visit would be "detrimental to the interests of the United States."

"It's incomprehensible that a civilized nation can confuse someone who has dedicated his life to saving the lives of children with someone who goes against the interests of the United States," Verez-Bencomo said with a sigh. "I wasn't going there to talk about politics, I was going to talk about science."



Posted by Cuban Chick on 2005-11-21 20:52:53
Well there's a good look at America for you. You know surprisingly, im not shocked, just upset. I feel for the people who have to live under this type of government; they're idiots! May God bless the "land of the free".

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